Change the underlying type for StrEnumAttr and BitEnumAttr from 32-bit integer to 64-bit int

Thank you very much for your suggestions. I have used with success the EnumAttr, more exactly I64EnumAttr (I followed the suggestions from [PSA] Stop using StrEnumAttr (Do use EnumAttr) ).

Can you help me also with making BitEnumAttr have a 64-bits underlying type?

(Out of curiosity, although it’s not really important, isn’t it possible to use 32-bit unsigned int instead of 32-bit int for the underlying type of StrEnumAttr? Is it possible to specify in TableGen that I want to use the primitive type “unsigned int” instead of int for this definition of list element for StrEnumAttr: class StrEnumAttrCase<string sym, int val = -1, string str = sym> : …)

Thank you,