Should linalg.indexed_generic allow for affine operations on its body?

Yes, thanks for bringing this one up. Assuming 1 single region to simplify the discussion, I think what I find counterintuitive is that:

  • SSA values defined outside can be used within the region unless it has the IsolatedFromAbove trait.
  • SSA values defined outside cannot be used as symbols in affine.for/affine.if/affine.load/ within the region unless it has the AffineScope trait.

… Picking this up after a few days, I can now make this more concise given @bondhugula’s last answer.

The additive / subtractive discussion relates to the determination of what is the unit of polyhedral / affine analyses and transformations:

  • SCoPs have additive semantics: roughly, (contiguous) unions of SCoPs result in bigger SCoPs and more global optimization opportunities.
  • the current AffineScope trait intuitively feels “subtractive”:
The polyhedral scope defined by an operation
with this trait includes all operations in its region excluding operations that
are nested inside of other operations that themselves have this trait.

In the current implementation, what could/should be an analysis on a certain number of affine dialect ops with traits is instead specified as a verified IR constraint.

Where I see opportunities to relax traditional polyhedral limitations (e.g. put a * in the dependence analysis), the current implementation enforces more stringent structural constraints: the IR is plainly invalid.

Not going to dig deeper into this for now, it’s great there seems to be agreement to invert the trait, I think it will be a first steps towards making affine composable with the rest (see the laundry list here, mostly related to canonicalizations) and go beyond traditional polyhedral.
