Apple LLDB OS X build bot

Hi all,

I’ve made a few changes to the Apple OS X buildbot today. These are mostly minor, but the key is to make sure we all know when it’s broken.

First off, it now builds the lldb-tool scheme using the Debug configuration. (Previously it was building a BuildAndIntegration configuration, which nobody outside Apple is ever going to be able to build right).

Second, it no longer tries to build a signed debugserver and instead uses the system debugserver.

At this point, if you get an email on a broken build, please make sure to do the typical courteous thing and (1) fix it if you know how, (2) reach out and ask us if we know how if it is a platform-specific issue, or (3) revert until we figure out a way to get it working for everyone.

You can get to the builder here:

It’s part of the newer Jenkins-style builders that has been trying out.

It is configured to send emails on a transition from green to red.

Here’s the current green build:


Hi Todd,

Thank you for setting up the new buildbot. I have a few questions about it:

  • Is it running the test suit or only do a build?
  • If the test suit is run then where can we see the result of the tests?


Hi Tamas!

It looks like I forgot to mention, but at this time the buildbot is not running the tests. Step one was to get the build building and report breakages.

The next frontier will be running the tests. I’ll send out another email once the tests are run and included in the build. No ETA yet but I’ll post once I have one.
