basic-arm-instruction tests fail on trunk

This is with Linux on BeagleBone Black (Cortex-A8), regressed recently:

FAIL: LLVM :: MC/ARM/basic-arm-instructions.s (5404 of 8944)
******************** TEST ‘LLVM :: MC/ARM/basic-arm-instructions.s’ FAILED ********************

Hi Ismail,

Are you running this regularly? Do you know which commit regressed? Or at
least a window?

Unfortunately, we don't have Cortex-A8 buildbots, but this is something I
want to do, if there is enough interest in the community.


Hi Renato,

Are you using LLVM's own release scripts to bootstrap

You can also try the ones I wrote in the past ( that basically prepares
the board for running the script mentioned above, as well
as preparing and running the test-suite.



Using my own setup: usual configure

While this is simpler, it's harder for us to replicate if you get errors.
Since it's impossible to test all configurations allowed, the more you
could replicate from official builds (either releases or buildbots), the

If you need a special configure option that is not possible during
releases/buildbots, than we can try to accommodate, but that's unusual.

, make && make check && make -C tools/clang test

You can just "make check-all".


Using my own setup: usual configure

While this is simpler, it's harder for us to replicate if you get errors.
Since it's impossible to test all configurations allowed, the more you
could replicate from official builds (either releases or buildbots), the

If you need a special configure option that is not possible during
releases/buildbots, than we can try to accommodate, but that's unusual.

I will try to integrate the scripts into my workflow.

, make && make check && make -C tools/clang test

You can just "make check-all".

Great tip, thanks!