Bazel rules for compiler-rt, libcxxabi, libcxx. Any ongoing work?

Hello everyone,

We plan to use llvm and build it by Bazel. But it seems that for some sub-projects bazel rules don’t exist. I had a short discussion with libc devs and found out that they currently work on bazel rules for libc sub-projects. So, I was wondering if there is ongoing work for some other sub-projects.

In particular, I am interested in the following sub-projects:

  • compiler-rt
  • libcxxabi
  • libcxx

Is there somebody who works on bazel rules for any of these sub-projects (or plans to work on them)?
I am just checking because if not I think we will just start writing them by ourselves and try to submit them to upstream if they are good enough :slight_smile:

Kind regards,


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