Crash reporting for inline functions


I’ve been playing around with a stack trace of inlined functions, e.g.:

void attribute((always_inline)) f1() {

void attribute((noinline)) f2() {

void attribute((always_inline)) f3() {

When I use various crash reporters, like PLCrashReporter and Crashlytics, I don’t see f1 or f3 in the stack trace, implying that inline functions aren’t included. However, when I cause the crash in the Xcode debugger, I see the inline functions in the stack trace. Is there additional context that Xcode would have, e.g. with symbols in the binary, that the crash reporters with their dSYM files don’t?



I suspect the crash reporters are giving you results based solely on the symbol table. The dSYM has extra information from the debug info so it can fill in the gaps. Perhaps the crash reporters aren't using the dSYMs, but Xcode is?

Any ideas Adrian?


I suspect the crash reporters are giving you results based solely on the symbol table. The dSYM has extra information from the debug info so it can fill in the gaps. Perhaps the crash reporters aren't using the dSYMs, but Xcode is?

I'm not familiar with the crash reporters you mentioned, but what Duncan said is accurate. Xcode, lldb, and atos will use the inlining debug information stored in the debug info (the dSYM) to also show the inlined stack frames. The tools you were using probably don't.

-- adrian