[DebugInfo] [DWARFv5] .debug_abbrev contents for different implicit_const values

Hello all, it looks like we have a bug here but I am not sure. Currently if we have two similar types with implicit_const attributes and different values we end up with only one abbrev in .debug_abbrev section. For example consider two structures: S1 with implicit_const attribute ATTR and value VAL1 and S2 with implicit_const ATTR and value VAL2. The .debug_abbrev section will contain only 1 related record:

[N] DW_TAG_structure_type DW_CHILDREN_yes
         DW_AT_ATTR DW_FORM_implicit_const VAL1
         // ....

However it looks like we need to have two different abbreviations here:

[N] DW_TAG_structure_type DW_CHILDREN_yes
         DW_AT_ATTR DW_FORM_implicit_const VAL1
         // ....

[M] DW_TAG_structure_type DW_CHILDREN_yes
         DW_AT_ATTR DW_FORM_implicit_const VAL2
         // ....

What do you think? If it is a bug I will fix it (as I was the one who added support for DW_FORM_implicit_const).

Sure enough sounds like a bug to me.

Thanks for confirmation. Will fix and post review to phab.
