getting closer!

Ok, I *might* be getting this from the assembly code. The assembly code has:

         .indirect_symbol _llvm_gc_root_chain
         .long 0

and I see it being used in the function preamble. Is that a ref to an extern symbol or the def? I.e., is it referring to

StackEntry *llvm_gc_root_chain;

that I must have in my GC C code? (semispace.c has it)

SO! I might be getting this. The shadow stack plugin assumes I have

struct StackEntry {
   StackEntry *Next; // Caller's stack entry.
   const FrameMap *Map; // Pointer to constant FrameMap.
   void *Roots; // Stack roots (in-place array).

as my stack item layout and I must provide a shadow stack head. From that, it will push/pop in functions? If so, that's easy enough. :slight_smile: What I was/am missing is the explicit link between types and variables in a GC.c file and the generated machine code. If I can get that last explicit link, I'm off to the races. Anybody? My IR doesn't seem to have any roots, even though I've allocated an int and declared a ptr on the stack.

declare void @llvm.gcroot(i8 **, i8*)
declare void @llvm_gc_collect()
declare i32* @llvm_gc_allocate(i32)
declare void @llvm_gc_initialize(i32)

define void @foo() gc "shadow-stack" {
; int *pa = malloc(sizeof(int));
     %a = call i32* @llvm_gc_allocate(i32 4)
     %pa = alloca i32*
     store i32* %a, i32** %pa

     %c = bitcast i32** %pa to i8**
     call void @llvm.gcroot(i8** %c, i8* null)
; *pa = 99;
     %t0 = add i32 99,0
     %t1 = load i32** %pa
     ;%t2 = getelementptr i32** %t1, i32 0
     store i32 %t0, i32* %t1

     store i32* null, i32** %pa; say it's dead
     ret void

define void @main() {
     call void @llvm_gc_initialize(i32 1024)
     call void @foo()
     call void @llvm_gc_collect()
     ret void

I get llvm_gc_root_chain as null when I try to walk roots.


duh...if my collect is AFTER the method terminates, there is no root. I now have a ROOT when I walk! Woohoo! I haven't done C/C++ in 13 years...woof...finally rediscovered nm to tell me about extern symbols...that chain root is essentially binding to the ptr in my GC.c file. :slight_smile: I get some output from my collector now:

process_root[0x0xbfffed08] = 0x0x800000

Now to figure out what to do with these suckers :wink: and make it actually collect!

[wiping sweat from brow]


Ok, I *might* be getting this from the assembly code. ... From that, it will push/pop in functions? If so, that's easy enough. :slight_smile:

Yup! Sounds like you've got it.

What I was/am missing is the explicit link between types and variables in a GC.c file and the generated machine code. If I can get that last explicit link, I'm off to the races.

You mean, how do you know what sort of object you're tracing? You've got 3 options here…

• If you have an type tree (as in Java or .NET), you can assume that every root starts with a pointer to object metadata, which should naturally include GC tracing information.
• If you have a type forest (as in C or C++) with optional vtables, then no such assumption is possible, and you can include type layout information in the %metadata parameter to @llvm.gcroot. The FrameMap type includes this data.
• You can tag values, as in lisp or many functional languages. (e.g., integer values have the low bit set, pointers do not.) All fields in a block must be of a uniform size, and you'll still need to know how many words in a block.

This decision is completely agnostic to the decision to use the shadow stack, or something more efficient.

— Gordon

Ok, I *might* be getting this from the assembly code. ... From
that, it will push/pop in functions? If so, that's easy enough. :slight_smile:

Yup! Sounds like you've got it.

Yup, what i was missing and what somebody should add to the doc is that "shadow-stack" adds a preamble/postamble snippet to each function that must bind with

StackEntry *llvm_gc_root_chain;

wherever you choose to define it. I put into my GC.c file.

Further, that shadow-stack snippet generation assumes the following structures for tracking roots:

typedef struct FrameMap FrameMap;
struct FrameMap {
   int32_t NumRoots; // Number of roots in stack frame.
   int32_t NumMeta; // Number of metadata descriptors. May be < NumRoots.
   void *Meta; // May be absent for roots without metadata.

typedef struct StackEntry StackEntry;
struct StackEntry {
   StackEntry *Next; // Caller's stack entry.
   const FrameMap *Map; // Pointer to constant FrameMap.
   void *Roots; // Stack roots (in-place array).

The doc says compiler / runtime must agree, but not what the structs are...Seems like those few lines above would make everything clear. I don't have write access to svn, but I plan on a big chapter full of ANTLR -> LLVM examples in my DSL problem solving book.

What I was/am missing is the explicit link between types and
variables in a GC.c file and the generated machine code. If I can
get that last explicit link, I'm off to the races.

You mean, how do you know what sort of object you're tracing?

I assumed that I needed to generate my object maps or at least a list of pointers for each object type. Related to that, i have two important questions:

1. How do I know the offset (due to alignment/padding by LLVM) of a pointer within an object using {...} struct type? GEP instruction gets an address, of course, but how does my C collector compute these. Do I need to make a metadata struct and fill it with GEP instructions? I guess that makes sense.

2. How do I know how big a struct is? I have my gc_allocate() method but I have no idea how big the struct will be; i see now sizeof. Alignment makes it unclear how big something is; it's >= size of elements like i32 but how much bigger than packed struct is it? I.e.,

%struct.A = type {i32 x, [10 x i32]*}

define void @foo() gc "shadow-stack" {
     %s = alloca %struct.A ; this knows how big struct.A is
     %a = call i32* @llvm_gc_allocate(i32 11); this does not know. is it 11 or more?
     ret void

got 3 options here…

• If you have an type tree (as in Java or .NET), you can assume that
every root starts with a pointer to object metadata, which should
naturally include GC tracing information.

That's what I plan on.

• If you have a type forest (as in C or C++) with optional vtables,
then no such assumption is possible, and you can include type layout
information in the %metadata parameter to @llvm.gcroot. The FrameMap
type includes this data.

Ok, so I pass it an arbitrary struct pointer and it just gives it back later for me to peruse, right?

• You can tag values, as in lisp or many functional languages. (e.g.,
integer values have the low bit set, pointers do not.) All fields in a
block must be of a uniform size, and you'll still need to know how
many words in a block.

Good to know.

This decision is completely agnostic to the decision to use the shadow
stack, or something more efficient.

Yup. makes sense.

Sorry for the long questions...gotta figure this out.


Hi again Terence,

Sorry for the long questions…gotta figure this out.

Not a problem!

Ok, I might be getting this from the assembly code. … From that, it will push/pop in functions? If so, that’s easy enough. :slight_smile:

Yup! Sounds like you’ve got it.

Yup, what i was missing and what somebody should add to the doc is that “shadow-stack” adds a preamble/postamble snippet to each function that must bind with

StackEntry *llvm_gc_root_chain;

wherever you choose to define it. I put into my GC.c file.

Further, that shadow-stack snippet generation assumes the following structures for tracking roots:

typedef struct FrameMap FrameMap;
struct FrameMap {
int32_t NumRoots; // Number of roots in stack frame.
int32_t NumMeta; // Number of metadata descriptors. May be <
void *Meta; // May be absent for roots without metadata.

typedef struct StackEntry StackEntry;
struct StackEntry {
StackEntry *Next; // Caller’s stack entry.
const FrameMap *Map; // Pointer to constant FrameMap.
void *Roots; // Stack roots (in-place array).

The doc says compiler / runtime must agree, but not what the structs are…Seems like those few lines above would make everything clear. I don’t have write access to svn, but I plan on a big chapter full of ANTLR → LLVM examples in my DSL problem solving book.

If you’d like to propose clarified language once you’ve wrapped your head around the framework, I’d be happy to incorporate it. Most ideally, submit a patch against GarbageCollection.html in

What I was/am missing is the explicit link between types and variables in a GC.c file and the generated machine code. If I can get that last explicit link, I’m off to the races.

You mean, how do you know what sort of object you’re tracing?

I assumed that I needed to generate my object maps or at least a list of pointers for each object type. Related to that, i have two important questions:

  1. How do I know the offset (due to alignment/padding by LLVM) of a pointer within an object using {…} struct type? GEP instruction gets an address, of course, but how does my C collector compute these. Do I need to make a metadata struct and fill it with GEP instructions? I guess that makes sense.

You can use a constant expression to compute this. Specifically:

i32 ptrtoint(gep %mytype* null, i32 0, i32 ??? to i32)

Where ??? is the number of the field within the struct. (Could be a list of indices.)

  1. How do I know how big a struct is? I have my gc_allocate() method

Note: There’s absolutely nothing special about the name @llvm_gc_allocate, it’s just a gentle suggestion. In fact, if you’re using the “model 1” heap tracing strategy, you probably want to use something like this:

%class.object* @alloc_object(%runtime.class* %vtable, i32 %nbytes)

This way, the vtable pointer is guaranteed to be initialized before the collector can possibly see it. (A null vtable could be defended against in the collector, but that’s an expensive spot to put a branch.)

but I have no idea how big the struct will be; i see now sizeof. Alignment makes it unclear how big something is; it’s >= size of elements like i32 but how much bigger than packed struct is it? I.e.,

%struct.A = type {i32 x, [10 x i32]*}

define void @foo() gc “shadow-stack” {
%s = alloca %struct.A ; this knows how big struct.A is

%a = call i32* @llvm_gc_allocate(i32 11); this does not know. is
it 11 or more?
ret void

You can again use a constant expression here. Specifically:

i32 ptrtoint(gep %mytype* null, i32 1 to i32)

ConstantExpr has a helper similar to sizeOf(Type*) which build this expression.

• If you have a type forest (as in C or C++) with optional vtables, then no such assumption is possible, and you can include type layout information in the %metadata parameter to @llvm.gcroot. The FrameMap type includes this data.

Ok, so I pass it an arbitrary struct pointer and it just gives it back later for me to peruse, right?

Yep! You can use any constant pointer (which means: any global variable, alias, or function). For example, something like this:

class IntList {
int count;
ListEntry head;
ListEntry tail;


class IntListEntry {
IntListEntry prev;
IntListEntry next;
int value;


int SumOfList(IntList list) {
return RecursiveSumOfList(list.head, 0);

int RecursiveSumOfList(IntList entry, int sumSoFar) {
if (entry == null)
return sumSoFar;
return RecursiveSumOfList(, sumSoFar + entry.value);

Could be hypothetically translated into the following LLVM IR. Note the following aspects:

  • Class metadata is emitted as constants to allow the GC to trace the heap.
  • Offsets to reference fields are calculated portably using the ‘gep null’ trick.
  • You don’t want to write these constants by hand. :slight_smile:
  • It would also be possible to tag roots with a trace function with a prototype like “void(Object*, void ()(Class, Object*))” which invokes the callback for each reference in the parameter object.- This is the “model 2” tagless object model, where neither tag bits nor a vtable pointer are present in all objects.
  • Each call @llvm.gcroot must specify the metadata pointer so the collector knows how to trace the object (or find the vtable, where applicable).- This is somewhat conservative with respect to certain GC behaviors. More elaboration is inline.
  • Ephemeral temporaries get gcroots. This could be unnecessary for a single-threaded collector if the temp isn’t alive across a call.
  • Each use of a reference variable or temp is reloaded from the gcroot. This is necessary only for copying collectors.
  • However, @llvm.readbarrier and @llvm.writebarrier are not used. Using them would be more conservative still, but quite verbose.

; This is the runtime-defined type for class metadata.
; Here, it contains only GC tracing information.
; namespace runtime {
; class Class {
; unsigned NumReferences;
; struct {
; unsigned ReferenceOffset;
; Class *ReferenceType;
; } References[NumReferences]; // Flexible array member.
; };
; }
; The recursive nature of GC references should be clear.
; The type would need to be more complex to handle arrays and type hierarchies.

%runtime.Class = type {i32, [0 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}
declare void @llvm.gcroot(i8** %root, i8* %metadata)

; User-defined datatype:
; class IntList {
; int count;
; IntListEntry head;
; IntListEntry tail;
; }

%class.IntList = type {i32, %class.IntListEntry*, %class.IntListEntry*}

@class_IntList = constant {i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]} {
i32 0,
[2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}] [
{i32, %runtime.Class*} {
i32 ptrtoint(%class.IntListEntry** getelementptr(%class.IntList* null, i32 0, i32 1) to i32),
%runtime.Class* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntListEntry to %runtime.Class*)
{i32, %runtime.Class*} {
i32 ptrtoint(%class.IntListEntry** getelementptr(%class.IntList* null, i32 0, i32 2) to i32),
%runtime.Class* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntListEntry to %runtime.Class*)

; User-defined datatype:
; class IntListEntry {
; IntListEntry prev;
; IntListEntry next;
; int value;
; }

%class.IntListEntry = type {%class.IntListEntry*, %class.IntListEntry*, i32}

@class_IntListEntry = constant {i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]} {
i32 0,
[2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}] [
{i32, %runtime.Class*} {
i32 ptrtoint(%class.IntListEntry** getelementptr(%class.IntListEntry* null, i32 0, i32 0) to i32),
%runtime.Class* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntListEntry to %runtime.Class*)
{i32, %runtime.Class*} {
i32 ptrtoint(%class.IntListEntry** getelementptr(%class.IntListEntry* null, i32 0, i32 1) to i32),
%runtime.Class* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntListEntry to %runtime.Class*)

; User-defined function:
; int SumOfList(IntList list) {
; return RecursiveSumOfList(list.head, 0);
; }

define i32 @SumOfList(%class.IntList* %list) gc “shadow-stack” {
; Prologue. 2 reference variables (including temps): list and list.head.
; 1. Create an alloca for each variable, including parameters.
%list.var = alloca %class.IntList*
%head.var = alloca %class.IntListEntry*
; 2. Call @llvm.gcroot for it.
%list.root = bitcast %class.IntList** %list.var to i8**
%head.root = bitcast %class.IntListEntry** %head.var to i8**
call void @llvm.gcroot(i8** %list.root, i8* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntList to i8*))
call void @llvm.gcroot(i8** %head.root, i8* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntListEntry to i8*))
; 3. Initialize parameters. Note: No need to null-init roots; the GC does so if necessary.
store %class.IntList* %list, %class.IntList** %list.var
; End prologue.

; This load is possibly unnecessary, depending on the GC.
; If the GC is copying, then the pointer may change whenever the GC is invoked.
; But if the GC is non-moving, there’s no need to reload from head.var.
; Eliding the load will generate faster code.
%list.1 = load %class.IntList** %list.var

%head.ptr = getelementptr %class.IntList* %list.1, i32 0, i32 1
%head = load %class.IntListEntry** %head.ptr

; This store (and thus %head.var gcroot) is possibly unnecessary, depending on the GC.
; In a threaded collector, it’s possible that the function call site could’ve been patched
; to enlist the thread in a ‘stop the world’ event. (This is necessary to bound collection
; pause times.) Thus, the act of calling a function could invoke the collector, in which
; case temps like %head would need to be rooted.

store %class.IntListEntry* %head, %class.IntListEntry** %head.var

%head.1 = load %class.IntListEntry** %head.var
%sum = tail call i32 @RecursiveSumOfList(%class.IntListEntry* %head, i32 0)
ret i32 %sum

; User-defined function:
; int SumOfList(IntList entry, int sumSoFar) {
; if (entry == null)
; return sumSoFar;
; return RecursiveSumOfList(, sumSoFar + entry.value);
; }

define i32 @RecursiveSumOfList(%class.IntListEntry* %entry, i32 %sumSoFar) gc “shadow-stack” {
; Prologue. 2 reference variables (including temps): entry and entry.value
%entry.var = alloca %class.IntListEntry*
%next.var = alloca %class.IntListEntry*
%entry.root = bitcast %class.IntListEntry** %entry.var to i8**
%next.root = bitcast %class.IntListEntry** %next.var to i8**
call void @llvm.gcroot(i8** %entry.root, i8* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntListEntry to i8*))
call void @llvm.gcroot(i8** %next.root, i8* bitcast({i32, [2 x {i32, %runtime.Class*}]}* @class_IntListEntry to i8*))
store %class.IntListEntry* %entry, %class.IntListEntry** %entry.var

%entry.0 = load %class.IntListEntry** %entry.var
%if = icmp eq %class.IntListEntry* %entry.0, null
br i1 %if, label %then, label %else

ret i32 %sumSoFar

%next.ptr = getelementptr %class.IntListEntry* %entry, i32 0, i32 0
%next = load %class.IntListEntry** %next.ptr
store %class.IntListEntry* %next, %class.IntListEntry** %next.var

; Note: entry.value is not a reference; no need to root it.
%value.ptr = getelementptr %class.IntListEntry* %entry, i32 0, i32 2
%value = load i32* %value.ptr
%temp = add i32 %sumSoFar, %value

%next.1 = load %class.IntListEntry** %next.var
%sum = tail call i32 @RecursiveSumOfList(%class.IntListEntry* %next.1, i32 %temp)
ret i32 %sum

As you can see, there are many dimensions of flexibility here.

— Gordon

If you’d like to propose clarified language once you’ve wrapped your head around the framework, I’d be happy to incorporate it. Most ideally, submit a patch against GarbageCollection.html in

Cool. Ok, I have already submitted some svn diffs to Chris to fix typos.

What I was/am missing is the explicit link between types and variables in a GC.c file and the generated machine code. If I can get that last explicit link, I’m off to the races.

You mean, how do you know what sort of object you’re tracing?

I assumed that I needed to generate my object maps or at least a list of pointers for each object type. Related to that, i have two important questions:

  1. How do I know the offset (due to alignment/padding by LLVM) of a pointer within an object using {…} struct type? GEP instruction gets an address, of course, but how does my C collector compute these. Do I need to make a metadata struct and fill it with GEP instructions? I guess that makes sense.

You can use a constant expression to compute this. Specifically:

i32 ptrtoint(gep %mytype* null, i32 0, i32 ??? to i32)

Where ??? is the number of the field within the struct. (Could be a list of indices.)

Wow! Cool trick. I have verified that this and the next works. BTW, I had no idea that that nested notation was possible! How did I miss that in the documentation…

  1. How do I know how big a struct is? I have my gc_allocate() method

Note: There’s absolutely nothing special about the name @llvm_gc_allocate, it’s just a gentle suggestion. In fact, if you’re using the “model 1” heap tracing strategy, you probably want to use something like this:

%class.object* @alloc_object(%runtime.class* %vtable, i32 %nbytes)

an excellent idea. At the moment I am just doing structs not objects so that I can figure things out.

You can again use a constant expression here. Specifically:

i32 ptrtoint(gep %mytype* null, i32 1 to i32)

ConstantExpr has a helper similar to sizeOf(Type*) which build this expression.

I’m always using the pure text input headline generating everything from Java…

• If you have a type forest (as in C or C++) with optional vtables, then no such assumption is possible, and you can include type layout information in the %metadata parameter to @llvm.gcroot. The FrameMap type includes this data.

Ok, so I pass it an arbitrary struct pointer and it just gives it back later for me to peruse, right?

Yep! You can use any constant pointer (which means: any global variable, alias, or function). For example, something like this:


Oooooooh! man! that is exactly what I was looking for. hooray! Input/Output pairs are the best way to learn this stuff as far as I can tell.

I believe I have enough from this to construct a collector using the “shadow-stack” mechanism. thanks so much!

“All our roots are belong to you!”


1. How do I know the offset (due to alignment/padding by LLVM) of a pointer within an object using {...} struct type? GEP instruction gets an address, of course, but how does my C collector compute these. Do I need to make a metadata struct and fill it with GEP instructions? I guess that makes sense.

You can use a constant expression to compute this. Specifically:

i32 ptrtoint(gep %mytype* null, i32 0, i32 ??? to i32)

Where ??? is the number of the field within the struct. (Could be a list of indices.)

Wow! Cool trick. I have verified that this and the next works. BTW, I had no idea that that nested notation was possible! How did I miss that in the documentation...

This is not possible for instructions (which must be in SSA form). You can only use it for constants.

See also the ConstantExpr class.

ConstantExpr has a helper similar to sizeOf(Type*) which build this expression.

I'm always using the pure text input headline generating everything from Java...

Normally I'd say that's masochism, but you may have a handle on text templates. :slight_smile:

For example, something like this:


Oooooooh! man! that is exactly what I was looking for. hooray! Input/Output pairs are the best way to learn this stuff as far as I can tell.

I believe I have enough from this to construct a collector using the "shadow-stack" mechanism. thanks so much!


— Gordon

This is not possible for instructions (which must be in SSA form). You
can only use it for constants.

ah! ok, but really helpful for structs init. cool.

I'm always using the pure text input headline generating everything
from Java...

Normally I'd say that's masochism, but you may have a handle on text
templates. :slight_smile:

Yep, generating text is my "speciality". :slight_smile: ANTLR+StringTemplates makes it pretty darn easy to generate the IR using any ANTLR target (C, C#, Python, ActionScript, Java, soon others).

Much better than having to code in C/C++ in my view [ducking]. :wink:

For example, something like this:


Oooooooh! man! that is exactly what I was looking for. hooray!
Input/Output pairs are the best way to learn this stuff as far as I
can tell.

I believe I have enough from this to construct a collector using the
"shadow-stack" mechanism. thanks so much!


Yeah, probably too advanced for the intro DSL book I'm doing; i'll try to get a small writeup together sometime for the doc at your site to help others...



Could you send me a tgz of your working GC code? I'm also trying to
get a sample GC working.
