[gsoc2018] Where's the source for clang-doc


I'm interested in working on clang as a gsoc project. It's under the
catagory "Clang Tools Extra"
[here](http://llvm.org/OpenProjects.html#doc-html-generator), but I
can't seem to find it's source anywhere. Not even at the llvm site
[documentation](https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-doc.html). It isn't
on github and google is no help either in this case. Does anybody know
where can I find source for clang-doc.



I'm interested in working on clang as a gsoc project. It's under the
catagory "Clang Tools Extra"
[here](The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project), but I
can't seem to find it's source anywhere. Not even at the llvm site
[documentation](Clang-Doc — Extra Clang Tools 18.0.0git documentation). It isn't
on github and google is no help either in this case. Does anybody know
where can I find source for clang-doc.

It's not quite merged yet..
1. ⚙ D41102 Setup clang-doc frontend framework
^ part 1, more or less ready, was committed, but reverted (more than
once) and is still not re-committed as of right now.

2. ⚙ D43341 [clang-doc] Implement reducer portion of the frontend framework
3. ⚙ D43667 [clang-doc] Implement a YAML generator
4. ⚙ D43424 [clang-doc] Implement a (simple) Markdown generator
^ These aren't even reviewed yet.
Personally i don't expect those to land anytime soon (next 30..60 days?)

So if you want to work on the html generator, you'd need to apply
those patches locally first, and work on top of them.



Yes, the first patch for it will be landing as soon as we resolve a last issue with tests (D41102). The next ones are up, but will likely change a bit as they are reviewed. A good place to start would be to take a look at the first patch and start understanding what information the tool is extracting from the AST.

Let me know if you have questions!