Handling version numbers in per-target runtime directories

if I specify --target to target version X, it does not necessarily mean I expect a silent fallback to a runtime library of version X-1.

FWIW this is exactly the behavior we want in Chromium: We build a single clang package (including clang’s runtime libs) at some NDK version N and we want to be able to use that package to build Chromium binaries for systems with version >= N (where the static build-time version of the triple of the built Chromium is >= N).

(But after ⚙ D115049 Fall back on Android triple w/o API level for runtimes search we have that, so we don’t care super much about the “should version 23 look up version 22”. It abstractly makes sense to me to do that, though. Android NDKs are forward-compatible.)

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