Mailing List Status Update

you open a page on
<> it doesn't load \(or
show\) the entire thread on one page by default but instead
loads \(and unloads\) partial content as you scroll along\.

Ah, yeah - which is why it hijacks the search shortcut to do a web form search rather than the browser builtin. Seems to work OK - I wouldn't count this as a major usability problem, at least for me.

Fair enough, there's always an element of subjectivity to UX, so YMMV. At the same time one issue with the aforementioned hijacking is that is not complete, either--e.g., it doesn't support built-in search features like "Find Next" or "Find Previous". For users used to keyboard navigation this is a usability problem (especially in development-oriented discussions, when searching for occurrences of identifiers in, say, LLVM IR does come in handy).

I want to highlight the accessibility point here. I have fairly poor vision, and regularly consume content in modes which someone with perfect vision might not. The ability to blow things up, search easily within a page, and otherwise consume content in a customizable manner *matters* to me. I emphasize this because I feel the point often gets lost in tooling discussions.

I also find the Discourse forum super noisy/fancy/distracting in terms of colors. Every post unnecessary shows profile pictures, and some people use strange emojis there.

I’ve just tried out discourse for the first time. It is not clear to me how to use it to replace mailing lists. It has a setting “mailing list mode”, which sounds like the right thing – sending all messages via email. Except that option is global – all messages in all categories on the llvm discourse instance. Which definitely isn’t what I want at all. I don’t want to subscribe to MLIR, for example.

FWIW, it would seem that one secret trick here is to NOT check “mailing list mode” – that option is mostly there to confuse you, I guess.

In general, I’d say I’m pretty uncomfortable with switching from a mailing list to discourse. Discourse seems entirely reasonable to use for end-user-facing forums, but I’m rather unconvinced about its suitability as a dev-list replacement. Other communities (e.g. python) seem to have a split, still: mailing lists for dev-lists, and discourse for end-user-facing forums.

I’d also note that Mailman3 provides a lot more features than what we’re used to with mailman2, including the ability to interact/post through the website.

Maybe someone can convince me that I’m just being a curmudgeon, but at this point, I’d say we ought to be investigating options to have Someone Else manage the mailman service, and keep using mailing lists, rather than attempting to switch to discourse.

On that last point, I’ve gone ahead and asked the folks at (“Open Source Community Infrastructure”) if they’d be willing to host our mailing lists. They are a group at RedHat whose mission is to support infrastructure for open-source community projects, and they host mailman3 lists for a number of other open-source groups, already ( So, I believe they have the necessary experience and expertise.

They have said they indeed are willing and have the capacity to run this for us as a service, if we’d like. We’d still need to be responsible for things like list moderation, but they’d run the mailman installation on their infrastructure. In my opinion, we ought to take this option, rather than trying to push a migration to discourse.

To me, it seems this would be a much clearer upgrade path, and would solve the hosting/volunteer-admin issue – including for commit lists – giving the current maintainers quicker relief from the undesired task of running the list service. Additionally, since it would be a migration to Mailman3, we would get many of the additional features mentioned as desirable, e.g. searchable archives and posting from the website.

Thank you for checking into a mailman3 hosting option, I think this
approach would make me feel the most comfortable (far more comfortable
than switching to Discord).

+1 this sounds like a great option to me.

I think that mailing lists have proven repeatedly that they’re actually
very bad for the sort of technical conversations we want to have in the
community. It’s possible to put a lot of work into your mailing-list
experience and end up with something that half-solves some of these
problems, but it takes a lot of time and expertise, and you’re left with
something that still suffers the inherent flaws of email.

Let me try to explain why, using the ongoing byte-type RFC as a focusing

First off, this is an important conversation that ought to be of interest
to a large number of LLVM developers. Monitoring a high-traffic mailing
list takes a lot of time; I would say that most LLVM developers don’t
proactively keep up with llvm-dev. I only became aware of this
conversation because someone thought to explicitly CC me into it. There
are almost certainly some people who ought to be engaged in this
thread who still aren’t aware of it.

A major part of why that’s the case is that mailing lists lack structure
beyond the Reference structure of threads. There is no inherent
categorization or tagging in a mailing list; by default, readers see a
jumble of every single thread. And people are often reluctant to split
mailing lists by topic, and when they do sometimes conversations get
unnaturally divided, or something that should be of broader interest
gets unnecessarily pigeon-holed. So if I want to find things that are
interesting to me, I have to look at every single active thread to see
what’s going on.

Now, in some cases, I can have that done automatically for me. I could,
for example, set up a filter that puts all the RFC threads in a
high-priority mailbox that I can scan more frequently. But that has
two problems. First, not every generally-important thread is marked
as an RFC; notably, this thread isn’t. If I set up this filter, I’d
probably be a lot less likely to read the mail mailbox for the list,
and so I’d probably miss most of these threads. And second, I can do
that for myself, but I can’t make other people do it. There are people
who aren’t reading and contributing to important threads because they
aren’t aware of them. The lack of structure creates a firehose effect
that undermines the ability of conversations to reach a broader
consensus, no matter what I do locally.

And honestly, I think that’s one of the biggest problems affecting LLVM
right now: we have no good consensus mechanism as a community to change
LLVM IR. We have RFC threads, and then we have “make a presentation at
at an LLVM Developer’s Conference, probably the US one, and then convene
a roundtable to try to get people on board with your plan.” As a result,
I think there’s a lot of reluctance to change IR when, honestly, IR
is supposed to be an evolving tool that needs to change in order to
solve problems better. I’m not saying that the mailing list is the sole
cause of this problem, but I do think it contributes.

Secondly, what structure does exist for mailing lists is not good
for technical conversations. The deep problem is the tree structure
of threads, which is mathematically pleasing but manifestly leads to
worse results. Different forks of the thread end up repeating the
same arguments because people don’t see that that conversation has
already happened — or worse, different forks don’t repeat the same
arguments because the people involved in them aren’t aware of the rest
of the thread. I’ve seen so many threads where different branches
continued on to reach completely different conclusions, or where
one contributor jumps from one branch to another, leaving the people
who were only engaged in the old branch thinking that the thread has
come to a resolution. Again, it undermines the process of reaching
a consensus.

Now, again, some mail clients help to solve this problem. Usually you
don’t want to abandon a threaded view entirely, but some clients support
a flat-threaded view where new posts simply appear sequentially.
But, again, you can’t count on other people reading the thread that
way, and that makes a big difference. If you want to build a consensus,
you probably need to reply to everyone individually, in case they’re
not reading the rest of the thread. And you can’t assume that people
reading your reply to one part of the thread will have read some post
in a different part.

Finally, there are a ton of minor technical/usability annoyances with
email that I think people too often neglect:

  • Reference headers seem to get regularly messed up, and any
    sizable conversation inevitably ends up with not just multiple
    forks within a thread, but actually multiple threads that happen
    to share a subject line.

  • Email is immutable, so problems like that can’t be retroactively
    fixed. Along the same lines, people can’t go back to edit their
    posts to fix typos or technical errors, or to tone them down if
    they realize they got a little too heated.

  • Long-running threads would often benefit from someone maintaining
    an index of important posts, but that’s not something you can do
    in email, because you can’t insert posts at the top of a thread
    or keep those posts current.

  • You can’t split a thread in email without completely losing
    context. For example, if you realize that the last five posts
    are really the start of a new conversation that ought to be in
    its own thread, you can’t just move those posts to a new thread,
    you actually have to start a new thread and copy-and-paste the
    old emails in and hope that nobody continues to reply in the old

  • If you try to explicitly CC people into a thread, and you use
    the wrong email address, you’ll actually contaminate the thread
    with that wrong email address, so that everybody who replies to
    you will also send email to the wrong email address, and you
    can’t rely on anyone else you CC’ed having actually gotten the

Now, forums have their own usability annoyances, without question.
I’ve been using Discourse fairly heavily for about three years (over
at, and I’ve got my share of complaints. My
point is that those problems should not be treated as blockers
when we have equal or worse problems with mailing lists that we’ve
just come to accept.


Hi Philip,

First, despite the similar names, Discord is very different than Discourse. Here I’m only commenting about Discourse, I have no opinion about Discord.

In this case, I think we need to highly weight the opinions of the people actively mainlining the existing systems. It has become clear that the priority isn’t “control our own lists”, it is “make sure they stay up” and “get LLVM people out of maintaining them”.

The ongoing load of maintaining these lists (including moderation) and of dealing with the security issues that keep coming up are carried by several individuals, not by the entire community. I’m concerned about those individuals, but I’m also more broadly concerned about any individuals being solely responsible for LLVM infra. Effectively every case we’ve had where an individual has driving LLVM infra turns out to be a problem. LLVM as a project isn’t good at running web scale infra, but we highly depend on it.

It seems clear to me that we should outsource this to a proven vendor. Your concerns about discourse seem very similar to the discussion about moving to Github (being a single vendor who was once much smaller than Microsoft). I think your concerns are best addressed by having the IWG propose an answer to “what is our plan if Discourse-the-company goes sideways?"


Might also be worth some details on: “Why is Discourse more suitable than a hosted mailman solution?” - if the main goal is to get LLVM individual contributors out of maintaining infrastructure, moving to a hosted version of the current solution seems lower friction/feature creep/etc? (though I realize moving between solutions is expensive, and it may be worthwhile gaining other benefits that Discourse may provide while we address the original/motivating issue of maintenance)

I notice that Discord gets maybe 50-100 messages a day, IRC perhaps a
little less, but Discourse gets almost none. It's a very low daily number.
The mailing lists that I'm on (just clang and llvm) get 500+ messages a

Are we really going to replace email with Discourse when we can see that
almost nobody likes using Discourse?

Metcalfe’s law - people are going to tend to use the medium that they are able to reach the audience on, but not necessarily because it’s superior. Mailing lists have the benefit of long-term incumbency.

I think I would prefer maintaining the status quo but if I woke up tomorrow and the conversation had moved to Discourse I would join it there. Regardless of whether it had moved by mandate or popular adoption. I suspect others may feel similar and therefore the traffic is not a good metric of preference.

Are we really going to replace email with Discourse when we can see that
almost nobody likes using Discourse?

Metcalfe’s law - people are going to tend to use the medium that they are able to reach the audience on, but not necessarily because it’s superior. Mailing lists have the benefit of long-term incumbency.

Email has a certain level of “omnipresence” and convenience. Including the superb interoperability among (pretty much) all of the clients and platforms.

I think I would prefer maintaining the status quo but if I woke up tomorrow and the conversation had moved to Discourse I would join it there. Regardless of whether it had moved by mandate or popular adoption. I suspect others may feel similar and therefore the traffic is not a good metric of preference.

True. But it may indicate a certain level of acceptance and convenience. Would one need a “dedicated Discourse app” to access and participate in the discussions? Would that app run smoothly on all the platforms the current list members use (that includes how much space it would require, perhaps people already maxed the storage capacity of their mobile devices?)? How would people include bug reports there – taking screenshots…?

People kept using email because it seems to work the best.

I understand that LLVM dev’s aren’t crazy about maintaining mailing lists – but probably a hosted mailing list solution would be better than moving to a totally different platform.

    Are we really going to replace email with Discourse when we can
    see that
    almost nobody likes using Discourse?

Metcalfe's law - people are going to tend to use the medium that they are able to reach the audience on, but not necessarily because it's superior. Mailing lists have the benefit of long-term incumbency.

Email has a certain level of “omnipresence” and convenience. Including the superb interoperability among (pretty much) all of the clients and platforms.

I think I would prefer maintaining the status quo but if I woke up tomorrow and the conversation had moved to Discourse I would join it there. Regardless of whether it had moved by mandate or popular adoption. I suspect others may feel similar and therefore the traffic is not a good metric of preference.

True. But it may indicate a certain level of acceptance and convenience. Would one need a “dedicated Discourse app” to access and participate in the discussions?

One can use Discourse via email, see How do I use Discourse via email? - FAQs - Mozilla Discourse - this is one of the major factors that was considered when comparing the different potential options.


I think I would prefer maintaining the status quo but if I woke up tomorrow and the conversation had moved to Discourse I would join it there. Regardless of whether it had moved by mandate or popular adoption. I suspect others may feel similar and therefore the traffic is not a good metric of preference.

True. But it may indicate a certain level of acceptance and convenience. Would one need a “dedicated Discourse app” to access and participate in the discussions?

One can use Discourse via email, see - this is one of the major factors that was considered when comparing the different potential options.

I checked that site. It looks interesting, but my precursory look did not tell me whether I’d need to enter the Discourse web site once to set my preferences to “Mailing list mode”, or more needs to be done. Also, I did not fully understand whether I can create topics exclusively via email, or still need to do something on the web site to post. The page says: “To create a new topic in a category via email, navigate to that category, and click the envelope button”.

So, overall not as bad as I was afraid it would be – but not quite as good as the convenience of a mailing list.

Are we really going to replace email with Discourse when we can
see that
almost nobody likes using Discourse?

Metcalfe's law - people are going to tend to use the medium that they are able to reach the audience on, but not necessarily because it's superior. Mailing lists have the benefit of long-term incumbency.

Email has a certain level of “omnipresence” and convenience. Including the superb interoperability among (pretty much) all of the clients and platforms.

I think I would prefer maintaining the status quo but if I woke up tomorrow and the conversation had moved to Discourse I would join it there. Regardless of whether it had moved by mandate or popular adoption. I suspect others may feel similar and therefore the traffic is not a good metric of preference.

True. But it may indicate a certain level of acceptance and convenience. Would one need a “dedicated Discourse app” to access and participate in the discussions?

One can use Discourse via email, see How do I use Discourse via email? - FAQs - Mozilla Discourse - this is one of the major factors that was considered when comparing the different potential options.

FYI: Discourse as mailing list replacement, some questions - Mailing Lists & Forums - LLVM Discussion Forums

~ Johannes

   > One can use Discourse via email, see
   > How do I use Discourse via email? - FAQs - Mozilla Discourse
   > - this is one of the major factors that was considered when comparing
   > the different potential options.

   Discourse as mailing list replacement, some questions - Mailing Lists & Forums - LLVM Discussion Forums

Another Discourse nugget. Discourse successfully created my account. However, 60 minutes later it refuses to log me in (does not recognize that I already have an account), and tries to create a new one.

I believe that John McCall covered some of this upthread - moderation and post removal are important things we need to be able to have in our arsenal as a community.


Specific to the dev lists, I’m very hesitant about moving from mailing lists to discourse. Why?

Well, the first and most basic is I’m worried about having core infrastructure out of our own control. For all their problems, mailing lists are widely supported, there are many vendors/contractors available. For discourse, as far as I can tell, there’s one vendor. It’s very much a take it or leave it situation. The ability to preserve discussion archives through a transition away from discourse someday concerns me. I regularly and routinely need to dig back through llvm-dev threads which are years old. I’ve also recently had some severely negative customer experiences with other tools (most recently discord), and the thought of having my employability and ability to contribute to open source tied to my ability to get a response from customer service teams at some third party vendor I have no leverage with, bluntly, scares me.

Second, I feel that we’ve overstated the difficulty of maintaining mailing lists. I have to acknowledge that I have little first hand experience administering mailman, so maybe I’m way off here.

Hi Philip,

First, despite the similar names, Discord is very different than Discourse. Here I’m only commenting about Discourse, I have no opinion about Discord.

In this case, I think we need to highly weight the opinions of the people actively mainlining the existing systems. It has become clear that the priority isn’t “control our own lists”, it is “make sure they stay up” and “get LLVM people out of maintaining them”.

The ongoing load of maintaining these lists (including moderation) and of dealing with the security issues that keep coming up are carried by several individuals, not by the entire community. I’m concerned about those individuals, but I’m also more broadly concerned about any individuals being solely responsible for LLVM infra. Effectively every case we’ve had where an individual has driving LLVM infra turns out to be a problem. LLVM as a project isn’t good at running web scale infra, but we highly depend on it.

I agree that the maintenance issue is definitely a problem which needs to be solved. And there is some urgency, given the recent problems which resulted in a need to manually subscribe people to the lists.

But, the proposal on the table doesn’t appear to actually address this issue, because the maintainers of llvm mailman will still continue to be responsible for keeping it functioning, for the mailing lists which were not proposed to be migrated. On the other hand, having run a mailman3 service for us does seem to be a way to solve this – and doesn’t require discarding mailing lists entirely.

I’m not deeply familiar with, but hosted mailman services all suffer from a major problem: they don’t solve the moderation problem.

More generally, I don’t see how that addresses the many other issues that were raised repeatedly on this thread.


Specific to the dev lists, I'm very hesitant about moving from mailing lists to discourse. Why?

Well, the first and most basic is I'm worried about having core infrastructure out of our own control. For all their problems, mailing lists are widely supported, there are many vendors/contractors available. For discourse, as far as I can tell, there's one vendor. It's very much a take it or leave it situation. The ability to preserve discussion archives through a transition away from discourse someday concerns me. I regularly and routinely need to dig back through llvm-dev threads which are years old. I've also recently had some severely negative customer experiences with other tools (most recently discord), and the thought of having my employability and ability to contribute to open source tied to my ability to get a response from customer service teams at some third party vendor I have no leverage with, bluntly, scares me.

Second, I feel that we've overstated the difficulty of maintaining mailing lists. I have to acknowledge that I have little first hand experience administering mailman, so maybe I'm way off here.

Hi Philip,

First, despite the similar names, Discord is very different than Discourse. Here I’m only commenting about Discourse, I have no opinion about Discord.

In this case, I think we need to highly weight the opinions of the people actively mainlining the existing systems. It has become clear that the priority isn’t “control our own lists”, it is “make sure they stay up” and “get LLVM people out of maintaining them”.

The ongoing load of maintaining these lists (including moderation) and of dealing with the security issues that keep coming up are carried by several individuals, not by the entire community. I’m concerned about those individuals, but I’m also more broadly concerned about *any* individuals being solely responsible for LLVM infra. Effectively every case we’ve had where an individual has driving LLVM infra turns out to be a problem. LLVM as a project isn’t good at running web scale infra, but we highly depend on it.

I agree that the maintenance issue is definitely a problem which needs to be solved. And there is some urgency, given the recent problems which resulted in a need to manually subscribe people to the lists.

But, the proposal on the table doesn't appear to actually address this issue, because the maintainers of llvm mailman will still continue to be responsible for keeping it functioning, for the mailing lists which were not proposed to be migrated. On the other hand, having run a mailman3 service for us does seem to be a way to solve this -- and doesn't require discarding mailing lists entirely.

I’m not deeply familiar with, but hosted mailman services all suffer from a major problem: they don’t solve the moderation problem.

Can you explain the moderation problem a bit? As a current mailing
list moderator, I'm unaware of unsolved issues in this space and the
only mentions about moderation on this thread are vague "we could have
better moderation tools" kind of comments without justification as to
why they're important enough to necessitate a switch away from email.

More generally, I don’t see how that addresses the many other issues that were raised repeatedly on this thread.

We went through many of these same discussions a while ago about
moving away from IRC and email at the same time. There was no
community consensus during that discussion, but for various reasons
the end result was a fracturing of the community (some people went to
Discord, some people stayed on IRC, and now both communities have to
tell members "if you don't get an answer here, try on the other
service or the mailing lists"). IMO, this left us with a community
that's less approachable because new people are never really certain
if they're asking their questions "in the right place", especially
when a failure to get an answer to their question requires them to try
again on a different service. I am worried that a switch from email on
the -dev mailing lists to using Discourse will result in a similar
fracturing, as discussions will still be possible via email on
-commits. To me personally, the possibility of further fracturing the
community is a concern I think we need to take very seriously.



As a newer member of the LLVM community, I certainly would appreciate
using Discourse over mailing lists. I find the mailing list
intimidating and hard to format code and discussions well. It just
feels like a relic - to me. But I wanted to touch on a point below as

We went through many of these same discussions a while ago about
moving away from IRC and email at the same time. There was no
community consensus during that discussion, but for various reasons
the end result was a fracturing of the community (some people went to
Discord, some people stayed on IRC, and now both communities have to
tell members "if you don't get an answer here, try on the other
service or the mailing lists"). IMO, this left us with a community
that's less approachable because new people are never really certain
if they're asking their questions "in the right place", especially
when a failure to get an answer to their question requires them to try
again on a different service. I am worried that a switch from email on
the -dev mailing lists to using Discourse will result in a similar
fracturing, as discussions will still be possible via email on
-commits. To me personally, the possibility of further fracturing the
community is a concern I think we need to take very seriously.

I am very active in the Discord and try my best to help people and
while I often refer people to post to the mailing list if they can't
find an answer, I have never and never seen anyone direct new people
to the IRC channel.

One thing I haven't seen in this discussion is the fact that Discord
and Discourse is way more approachable for people who haven't used IRC
and email their whole life. I understand there must be a balance
between keeping current contributors happy and attracting new ones.
But keeping discussions in the mail-list over discourse would (In MY
opinion) favor current/older contributors way higher than newer ones.


Specific to the dev lists, I'm very hesitant about moving from mailing lists to discourse. Why?

Well, the first and most basic is I'm worried about having core infrastructure out of our own control. For all their problems, mailing lists are widely supported, there are many vendors/contractors available. For discourse, as far as I can tell, there's one vendor. It's very much a take it or leave it situation. The ability to preserve discussion archives through a transition away from discourse someday concerns me. I regularly and routinely need to dig back through llvm-dev threads which are years old. I've also recently had some severely negative customer experiences with other tools (most recently discord), and the thought of having my employability and ability to contribute to open source tied to my ability to get a response from customer service teams at some third party vendor I have no leverage with, bluntly, scares me.

Second, I feel that we've overstated the difficulty of maintaining mailing lists. I have to acknowledge that I have little first hand experience administering mailman, so maybe I'm way off here.

Hi Philip,

First, despite the similar names, Discord is very different than Discourse. Here I’m only commenting about Discourse, I have no opinion about Discord.

In this case, I think we need to highly weight the opinions of the people actively mainlining the existing systems. It has become clear that the priority isn’t “control our own lists”, it is “make sure they stay up” and “get LLVM people out of maintaining them”.

The ongoing load of maintaining these lists (including moderation) and of dealing with the security issues that keep coming up are carried by several individuals, not by the entire community. I’m concerned about those individuals, but I’m also more broadly concerned about *any* individuals being solely responsible for LLVM infra. Effectively every case we’ve had where an individual has driving LLVM infra turns out to be a problem. LLVM as a project isn’t good at running web scale infra, but we highly depend on it.

I agree that the maintenance issue is definitely a problem which needs to be solved. And there is some urgency, given the recent problems which resulted in a need to manually subscribe people to the lists.

But, the proposal on the table doesn't appear to actually address this issue, because the maintainers of llvm mailman will still continue to be responsible for keeping it functioning, for the mailing lists which were not proposed to be migrated. On the other hand, having run a mailman3 service for us does seem to be a way to solve this -- and doesn't require discarding mailing lists entirely.

I’m not deeply familiar with, but hosted mailman services all suffer from a major problem: they don’t solve the moderation problem.

Can you explain the moderation problem a bit? As a current mailing
list moderator, I'm unaware of unsolved issues in this space and the
only mentions about moderation on this thread are vague "we could have
better moderation tools" kind of comments without justification as to
why they're important enough to necessitate a switch away from email.

Same here (though I'm only moderating a low-traffic list).

More generally, I don’t see how that addresses the many other issues that were raised repeatedly on this thread.

We went through many of these same discussions a while ago about
moving away from IRC and email at the same time. There was no
community consensus during that discussion, but for various reasons
the end result was a fracturing of the community (some people went to
Discord, some people stayed on IRC, and now both communities have to
tell members "if you don't get an answer here, try on the other
service or the mailing lists"). IMO, this left us with a community
that's less approachable because new people are never really certain
if they're asking their questions "in the right place", especially
when a failure to get an answer to their question requires them to try
again on a different service. I am worried that a switch from email on
the -dev mailing lists to using Discourse will result in a similar
fracturing, as discussions will still be possible via email on
-commits. To me personally, the possibility of further fracturing the
community is a concern I think we need to take very seriously.


Specific to the dev lists, I'm very hesitant about moving from mailing lists to discourse. Why?

    >>> Well, the first and most basic is I'm worried about having core infrastructure out of our own control. . . .
    >>> Second, I feel that we've overstated the difficulty of maintaining mailing lists.
    >> I’m not deeply familiar with, but hosted mailman services all suffer from a major problem: they don’t solve the moderation problem.
    > Can you explain the moderation problem a bit? As a current mailing
    > list moderator, I'm unaware of unsolved issues in this space and the
    > only mentions about moderation on this thread are vague "we could have
    > better moderation tools" kind of comments without justification as to
    > why they're important enough to necessitate a switch away from email.

    Same here (though I'm only moderating a low-traffic list).

Same here.

    >> More generally, I don’t see how that addresses the many other issues that were raised repeatedly on this thread.
    > We went through many of these same discussions a while ago about
    > moving away from IRC and email at the same time. There was no
    > community consensus during that discussion, but for various reasons
    > the end result was a fracturing of the community (some people went to
    > Discord, some people stayed on IRC, and now both communities have to
    > tell members "if you don't get an answer here, try on the other
    > service or the mailing lists").

Wouldn't we all agree that this is a highly undesirable situation?

    > I am worried that a switch from email on
    > the -dev mailing lists to using Discourse will result in a similar
    > fracturing, as discussions will still be possible via email on
    > -commits. To me personally, the possibility of further fracturing the
    > community is a concern I think we need to take very seriously.



It already shows this effect - some discussions are going on on Discourse, the majority appear to still be here in llvm-dev. I've no idea what's going on on Discord or IRC.
How many ways do we want to split this community???