Reproducible testcase for r100044

Attached is a .ll with a reproducible test case for the bug addressed by r100044 -- "Fix a nasty dangling-pointer heisenbug that could generate wrong code pretty much anywhere AFAICT."


  llvm-as < sunkaddr.ll | llc

which a llc after r100044 will generate

.LBB1_2: # %if-false-block
  movl $1, 16(%rdi)
  movl 120(%rdi), %eax

while one before will generate:

.LBB1_2: # %if-false-block
  movl $1, 16(%rdi)
  movl $1, %eax

There are some FileCheck directives to verify this.

There is also a main function which will print (and return an exit code)
of 0 on success, and 1 on failure.


sunkaddr.ll (1.36 KB)