RFC [CMake]: Adding an option to enable precompiled headers for llvm-libraries

Bumping up the thread for extra visibility.

To summarize the GitHub discussion. Modules with MSVC and CMake aren’t really ready yet, so that’s not an option. The first step is to provide an opt-in way to use the precompiled headers. It’s not required for the rest of the community to use the precompiled headers or to maintain them. When landing your change you don’t need to test it with the precompiled headers. There is a plan to make the precompiled headers useful for more people and in more contexts, so more work is expected in this area. But it’s not mandatory for anyone to use the precompiled headers.

What kind of comments I’m looking for? If the opt-in precompiled headers break your workflow, that’s the most important feedback. If the precompiled headers affect you down the road, that is also important to know but I don’t expect it to be a blocking issue. If you are interested in how exactly the precompiled headers are implemented, please comment in the GitHub discussion.