[RFC] Hardening in libc++

Hi folks,

It seems like people are pretty quiet about this! Does it means that people are happy with the direction and don’t have much to add? Or did it go under everyone’s radar because of the LLVM Dev Meeting?

We reached out to people on various forums like the Clang -Wunsafe-buffer thread, on Discord and informally in person at the LLVM Dev Meeting. People seemed really interested in this effort and we had good feedback, however nothing has manifested here so far.

What I suggest is that we will keep waiting for feedback for approximately one week and if nothing is manifested here, we will start proceeding as described above, and people can give feedback as we go. After all, the current state of main is some kind of in-between between the old Safe mode and this RFC, and it would be great to get out of that state in time for LLVM 18.



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