'unsupported call to function' with user-defined functions

Hi all,

I'm trying to write an example program to show that WPA security is worthless without strong
passwords in times of openCL.
therefore, I made this program. I like it to show to my boss as a proof-of-concept. It works
like it should on pocl-0.14 (yes, and I know there are memory leaks, but currently, I don't care).
on mesa-17.1.5, there seem to be no internal function calls possible:
every function call is blocked @ Program Build by '<unknown>:0:0: in function Caller void (i8*,
i8, i32*, i8*): unsupported call to function Called'
this happens for every user-defined program in the cl file.
program invocation:
gdb --args ./a.out 8 5c052b1a25d8b7c5533bc3d2e93794aee968ccde5b422408d5e9e7b1a6c8be4a ssid

this program computes the 00000000 key.

any help would be greatly appreciated

kind regards,

Janpieter Sollie

example.tgz (8.54 KB)