Where is lldb.py?

So it seems something is still wrong. I’m generating the build files with this command:

cmake -G Ninja -DLLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON=0 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=c:\Python27\include -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=C:\Python27\libs\python27.lib …..

(I have the patch I posted in the other thread applied, so LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON=0 implies LLDB_ENABLE_PYTHON_SCRIPTS_SWIG_API_GENERATION=1)

I successfully run a build, and after the build I observe the following:

  1. LLDBWrapPython.cpp and lldb.py are in llvm/build/ninja/tools/lldb/scripts

  2. There is no _lldb.pyd anywhere.

  3. My Python is installed in C:\Python27, and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages is empty.

#2 and #3 seem like an error, am I doing something wrong in my build?

The LLDB python package is created within the build directory.
Assuming it's a debug build, could you check llvm/build/Debug/lib/site-packages?

Ahh, yea that was it. Strange, I actually did a recursive file search from the root and it didn’t find anything.

Following up on pipe support for windows, I added a host layer which should improve things on windows. Please test the changes and make them work if I didn't catch everything as I can't build on windows, but tried to get everything right. The commit was:

% svn commit
Sending include/lldb/Core/ConnectionFileDescriptor.h
Adding include/lldb/Host/Pipe.h
Sending lldb.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Sending source/Core/ConnectionFileDescriptor.cpp
Sending source/Host/common/CMakeLists.txt
Adding source/Host/common/Pipe.cpp
Sending source/Interpreter/ScriptInterpreterPython.cpp
Sending source/Target/Process.cpp
Transmitting file data ........
Committed revision 212220.

Thanks! I will probably not be able to test it until Monday as the holiday starts soon, but I will fix anything up unless someone beats me to it.

Just wondering if you had a chance to look at the CMake warning yet. I’m treating it as just a mild annoyance for now, but I’m a little worried that it may be leading to some kind of incorrect linkage.

No, I haven’t looked at it yet. Please feel free to look at it if you have the time. I think a commit made by David Majnemer today for building on CMake 3.0 fixes most of the warnings.