18.1.1 Tagged

I’ve tagged 18.1.1. This release is identical to 18.1.0 except that the rc suffix is now removed from the version string. Please test, upload binaries, and report issues to the issue tracker.

Windows is ready. Hashes:

C:\src>certutil -hashfile llvm_package_18.1.1\build32\LLVM-18.1.1-win32.exe sha256
SHA256 hash of llvm_package_18.1.1\build32\LLVM-18.1.1-win32.exe:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

C:\src>certutil -hashfile llvm_package_18.1.1\build64\LLVM-18.1.1-win64.exe sha256
SHA256 hash of llvm_package_18.1.1\build64\LLVM-18.1.1-win64.exe:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

C:\src>certutil -hashfile "llvm_package_18.1.1\clang+llvm-18.1.1-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.xz" sha256
SHA256 hash of llvm_package_18.1.1\clang+llvm-18.1.1-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.xz:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

They were built with llvm-project\llvm\utils\release\build_llvm_release.bat --x86 --x64 --version=18.1.1 using the script at 52ada07 .

The testing for PowerPC (Linux) is complete and I’ve uploaded the binary:

485d0cb074ec6d76902dde0d8534e8e42434877b  clang+llvm-18.1.1-powerpc64le-linux-rhel-8.8.tar.xz

No regressions were found.

I have uploaded following binaries for 18.1.1




No new test failures since 18.1.0.

The AIX 7.2 binaries have been uploaded:

6e7bad86666d70520b4f4dc0cd26582f4c2965ac  clang+llvm-18.1.1-powerpc64-ibm-aix-7.2.tar.xz

No regressions were found. However, commit 3af5c98 hasn’t been merged in yet - would you mind approving the PR, @tstellar?

llvm-test-suite passed without errors. The check-all of the llvm-project failed.
Here is a summary of LLVM test results (failures) on x86_64 Linux:

LLVM RHEL 7 (2.17) Ubuntu 18.04 (2.27) RHEL 8 (2.28) Debian 11 (2.31) SLES 15 (2.31) Amazon Linux 2023 (2.34) Debian 12 (2.36)
18.1.1 157 149 152 149 155 152 147