2.5 Pre-release2 available for testing


The 2.5 pre-release2 is finally available for testing:

If you have time, I’d appreciate anyone who can help test the release. Please do the following:

  1. Download/compile llvm source, and either compile llvm-gcc source or use llvm-gcc binary (please compile llvm-gcc with fortran if you can).
  2. Run make check, send me the testrun.log
  3. Run “make TEST=nightly report” and send me the report.nightly.txt
  4. Please provide details on what platform you compiled LLVM on, how you built LLMV (src == obj, or src != obj), gcc version, and if you compiled llvm-gcc with support for fortran. The more details, the better.

Please COMPLETE ALL TESTING BY end of the day on Feb. 28th!

We hope to have the final release out on 3/2/2009 (assuming no new regressions).

Tanya Lattner

Cygwin with GCC 3.4.4 is failing llvm-gcc-4.2-2.5 with :-

cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option “-Wno-variadic-macros”

Is anyone testing Cygwin with GCC 4.2 or 4.4 ?


I hacked “-Wno-variadic-macros” bug but llvm-gcc is hanging on GCC 3.4.4 Cygwin later on first bootstrap pass in configure when “checking executable suffix”, presumably this is the first self call.

On the face of it, it looks like it may be a tough one to debug, dont know if GCC 3.4.4 Cygwin will make it to 2.5 release.

I’ll try with GCC 4.2 on Cygwin tommorow, unless anyone else is covering it.


Hi Tanya, the gcc testsuite doesn't seem to be present
in llvm-gcc4.2-2.5.source. I don't think removing it
is a good idea. I noticed this when I wanted to check
that the release passes the Ada checks.



Actually its [configure-stage3-intl] where its hanging.


Hi Tanya, the gcc testsuite doesn't seem to be present
in llvm-gcc4.2-2.5.source. I don't think removing it
is a good idea. I noticed this when I wanted to check
that the release passes the Ada checks.

Its been removed from the final release for many releases now. I personally don't care but was told to do this. I'll check with Chris when he gets back.


Actually its [configure-stage3-intl] where its hanging.

This can easily be due to inline FP math in the stdlib headers. For example - I had to maintain slightly hacked mingw32 headers which do not contain inline FP assembler, otherwise at least libstdc++ configure would hang. No idea about cygwin though.

Actually its [configure-stage3-intl] where its hanging.

This can easily be due to inline FP math in the stdlib headers. For example - I had to maintain slightly hacked mingw32 headers which do not contain inline FP assembler, otherwise at least libstdc++ configure would hang. No idea about cygwin though.

Don’t think it is that. I looked at the configure code and I cannot work out why its failing on working out what the exe suffix is. Weird bug.

I have GCC 4.2.2 built on Cygwin now and will try with that,



Okay, LLVM 2.5 R2 and LLVM-gc-4.2-2.5 R2 are both building on Cygwin with GCC-4.2.2

make check is coming up with some errors though.


=== Summary ===

of expected passes 3100

of unexpected failures 65

of expected failures 18

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/build/llvm-2.5/test’

make check output attached as a file. Running make-test next …



make.check (29 KB)


The 2.5 pre-release2 is finally available for testing:

If you have time, I'd appreciate anyone who can help test the release.
Please do the following:

1) Download/compile llvm source, and either compile llvm-gcc source or use
llvm-gcc binary (please compile llvm-gcc with fortran if you can).

Unclear which of the many tarballs you mean, so I chose the smallest :slight_smile:

2) Run make check, send me the testrun.log

$ gmake check
llvm[0]: Running test suite
gmake[1]: Entering directory
Making a new site.exp file...
*** dejagnu not found. Make sure 'runtest' is in your PATH, then
reconfigure LLVM.
gmake[1]: Leaving directory

This is on FreeBSD. I have no idea what "runtest" is?

It is dejagnu. Install it.

Best regards,

The 2.5 pre-release2 is finally available for testing:

If you have time, I'd appreciate anyone who can help test the release.
Please do the following:

1) Download/compile llvm source, and either compile llvm-gcc source or use
llvm-gcc binary (please compile llvm-gcc with fortran if you can).

Unclear which of the many tarballs you mean, so I chose the smallest :slight_smile:

You should get llvm, llvm-test, and either a binary (for your platform) or source of llvm-gcc.
