analysis based on nonnull attribute

Does the nonnull parameter attribute give us information about subsequent uses of that value outside of the function that has the attribute?


define i1 @bar(i32* nonnull %x) { ; %x must be non-null in this function
%y = load i32, i32* %x
%z = icmp ugt i32 %y, 23
ret i1 %z

define i1 @foo(i32* %x) {
%d = call i1 @bar(i32* %x)
%null_check = icmp eq i32* %x, null ; check if null after call that guarantees non-null?
br i1 %null_check, label %t, label %f
ret i1 1
ret i1 %d

$ opt -inline nonnull.ll -S

define i1 @foo(i32* %x) {
%y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined and non-null knowledge is lost?
%z.i = icmp ugt i32 %y.i, 23
%null_check = icmp eq i32* %x, null
br i1 %null_check, label %t, label %f

ret i1 true

ret i1 %z.i

From: "Sanjay Patel via llvm-dev" <>
To: "llvm-dev" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 3:47:03 PM
Subject: [llvm-dev] analysis based on nonnull attribute

Does the nonnull parameter attribute give us information about
subsequent uses of that value outside of the function that has the

Yes. We're guaranteeing that we never pass a null value for the argument, so that information can be used to optimize the caller as well.


define i1 @bar(i32* nonnull %x) { ; %x must be non-null in this
%y = load i32, i32* %x
%z = icmp ugt i32 %y, 23
ret i1 %z

define i1 @foo(i32* %x) {
%d = call i1 @bar(i32* %x)
%null_check = icmp eq i32* %x, null ; check if null after call that
guarantees non-null?
br i1 %null_check, label %t, label %f
ret i1 1
ret i1 %d

$ opt -inline nonnull.ll -S
define i1 @foo(i32* %x) {
%y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined and non-null knowledge is lost?

It should be replaced by !nonnull metadata on the load. We might not be doing that today, however.



*From: *"Sanjay Patel via llvm-dev" <>
*To: *"llvm-dev" <>
*Sent: *Wednesday, December 14, 2016 3:47:03 PM
*Subject: *[llvm-dev] analysis based on nonnull attribute

Does the nonnull parameter attribute give us information about subsequent
uses of that value outside of the function that has the attribute?

Yes. We're guaranteeing that we never pass a null value for the argument,
so that information can be used to optimize the caller as well.

Thanks! I don't know if that will actually solve our sub-optimal output for
dyn_cast (!), but it might help...


define i1 @bar(i32* nonnull %x) { ; %x must be non-null in this function
  %y = load i32, i32* %x
  %z = icmp ugt i32 %y, 23
  ret i1 %z

define i1 @foo(i32* %x) {
  %d = call i1 @bar(i32* %x)
  %null_check = icmp eq i32* %x, null ; check if null after call that
guarantees non-null?
  br i1 %null_check, label %t, label %f
  ret i1 1
  ret i1 %d

$ opt -inline nonnull.ll -S
define i1 @foo(i32* %x) {
  %y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined and non-null knowledge is lost?

It should be replaced by !nonnull metadata on the load. We might not be
doing that today, however.

We can't tag this load with !nonnull though because this isn't a load of
the pointer?
"The existence of the !nonnull metadata on the instruction tells the
optimizer that the value loaded is known to never be null. This is
analogous to the nonnull attribute on parameters and return values. This
metadata can only be applied to loads of a pointer type."

True, but we have range metadata for integers.


I think what Sanjay is getting at is that it’s not an integer, it’s still a pointer - but it’s not clear where information about non-nullness of the pointer should be propagated to.

In this particular case, since the def of %x in the caller is also an argument, we could propagate it to the def directly, e.g.

define i1 @foo(i32* nonnull %x) {
%y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined, still known to be nonnull

And if the def of %x was a load, we could use !nonnull. But I’m not sure what we can do in the general case (say, %x = select…).
The best I can think of is generating an llvm.assume for the condition.


From: "Michael Kuperstein" <>
To: "Hal Finkel" <>
Cc: "Sanjay Patel" <>, "llvm-dev"
<>, "Michael Kuperstein" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 1:13:07 AM
Subject: Re: [llvm-dev] analysis based on nonnull attribute

I think what Sanjay is getting at is that it's not an integer, it's
still a pointer - but it's not clear where information about
non-nullness of the pointer should be propagated to.

In this particular case, since the def of %x in the caller is also an
argument, we could propagate it to the def directly, e.g.

define i1 @foo(i32* nonnull %x) {
%y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined, still known to be nonnull

And if the def of %x was a load, we could use !nonnull. But I'm not
sure what we can do in the general case (say, %x = select...).
The best I can think of is generating an llvm.assume for the

True. In this case, the preferred thing would be to add the nonnull attribute to the caller's parameter. Adding llvm.assume is indeed a general solution.


By the way, I’ve been wondering - why can we only attach !nonnull and !range to loads (for both) and call/invoke (for !range)?

I mean, those are all instructions you can’t do dataflow through - intraprocedurally, w/o memoryssa - but why only these instructions? Why not allow annotating any pointer def with !nonnull and any integer def with !range?
Sure, that’s redundant w.r.t llvm.assume, but so are the existing annotations.

The general idea to date has been only “sources” get annotations. If there’s something we fundamentally can’t analyze through, that’s where we annotate. We try not to use annotations for places where we could have but didn’t.

e.g. call metadata/attributes allow us to model external calls, load metadata allow us to model frontend knowledge of external memory locations, etc…

Calling an instruction a “source” is basically another way to say “we can’t dataflow through this”.

What I’m trying to say is that this is not really a property of the instruction type.
I agree we should be adding annotations sparingly - that is, we should not annotate something we can infer. But that’s a semantic property, so I don’t really see why that means we should prohibit annotating certain instructions on the syntactic level.

Admittedly, the only example I have in mind right now is the one under discussion above - if we have:

%p = select i1 %a, i8* %x, i8 y
call void foo(i8
nonnull %p)

Then after inlining foo, we lose the non-null information for %p unless we annotate it - and we can’t propagate it through the select. The same would happen for a phi,

I’m not opposed to this per se, but I see it as a slippery slope argument. One of the foundational design principles of LLVM is that analysis results are inferred from the IR, not part of the IR. This decision is hugely important for stability and extensibility of the framework. If we ever got to the day where we were putting !range on an add instruction as part of a transform pass, that would clearly be several steps too far. Are there cases where we loose information by inlining this example? Yes. Are they common? I don’t know. In particular, if foo contains an unconditional load from %p, we don’t actually loose any information by inlining. Similarly, we can frequently infer the non-null fact from another source. Just to be clear, I want to spell out a distinction between having metadata available for frontend annotation and having the optimizer itself introduce metadata. The former is a much easier request because it implies a much smaller maintenance burden. If we screw something up (compile time say), then only the frontend that cared bears the cost. If we start having the optimizer itself introduce metadata (or assumes, etc…), then the justification has to sufficient for all frontends and use cases. In practice, that’s going to be a much higher bar to clear.

Based on the earlier comments in this thread and the existence of a transform that adds ‘nonnull’ to callsite params, I have proposed a patch to extend nonnull to a parent function:

…but given today’s comments about inferring the analysis rather than making it part of the IR, this might be the wrong approach?

And this is where things get complicated…

My gut reaction is that inferring nonnull across function boundaries is probably a good idea. Let me now figure out how to explain why. :slight_smile:

Most of the optimizer is structured around single function optimization. Within a single function, we typically don’t cache analysis results within the IR. Across function boundaries, we do (e.g. readonly, readynone, etc…). Why the split?

I think that at a high level, this comes down to a issue of practicality. We don’t have a good mechanism for accessing module level analysis results within function transform passes. If we did, maybe we’d have a different set of decisions here. Given we don’t, we’ve made the decision that function boundaries are a reasonable place to summarize analysis results.

p.s. I’ll freely admit I’m out on a bit of a limb here philosophy wise. If other folks have alternate views, I’d be very interested in hearing them.


Calling an instruction a "source" is basically another way to say "we
can't dataflow through this".

What I'm trying to say is that this is not really a property of the
instruction type.
I agree we should be adding annotations sparingly - that is, we should not
annotate something we can infer. But that's a semantic property, so I don't
really see why that means we should prohibit annotating certain
instructions on the syntactic level.

I'm not opposed to this per se, but I see it as a slippery slope
argument. One of the foundational design principles of LLVM is that
analysis results are inferred from the IR, not part of the IR. This
decision is hugely important for stability and extensibility of the


If we ever got to the day where we were putting !range on an add
instruction as part of a transform pass, that would clearly be several
steps too far.


Admittedly, the only example I have in mind right now is the one under
discussion above - if we have:

%p = select i1 %a, i8* %x, i8 *y
call void foo(i8* nonnull %p)

Then after inlining foo, we lose the non-null information for %p unless we
annotate it - and we can't propagate it through the select. The same would
happen for a phi,

Are there cases where we loose information by inlining this example?
Yes. Are they common? I don't know. In particular, if foo contains an
unconditional load from %p, we don't actually loose any information by
inlining. Similarly, we can frequently infer the non-null fact from
another source.

If foo contains an unconditional load from %p, then the original nonnull
attribute was also redundant. I'm assuming we're talking about cases where
the original attribute contained information not available elsewhere.

Just to be clear, I want to spell out a distinction between having
metadata available for frontend annotation and having the optimizer itself
introduce metadata. The former is a much easier request because it implies
a much smaller maintenance burden.

The optimizer can already do this, using assumes. By allowing !nonnull on
more instructions we wouldn't actually be letting the optimizer do
something it couldn't do before, we'd just make the representation more
uniform. But I understand the point of view that it also makes potentially
undesirable optimizer behavior simpler and thus more appealing.

If we screw something up (compile time say), then only the frontend that
cared bears the cost. If we start having the optimizer itself introduce
metadata (or assumes, etc..), then the justification has to sufficient for
*all* frontends and use cases. In practice, that's going to be a much
higher bar to clear.

Maybe. In any case, I don't feel strongly about this, I was just trying to
understand the rationale.

In this particular case, since the def of %x in the caller is also an argument, we could propagate it to the def directly, e.g.

define i1 @foo(i32* nonnull %x) {
%y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined, still known to be nonnull

For propagation of non-nullity to the argument, don’t you need value propagation or backward all dataflow analysis?
define i1 @foo(i32* %x)
if (%x != NULL)
%y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined
// do something else with %x where it can still be null
It wouldn’t be correct to make foo’s argument non-null if callsite was guarded.

In this particular case, since the def of %x in the caller is also an
argument, we could propagate it to the def directly, e.g.

define i1 @foo(i32* nonnull %x) {
  %y.i = load i32, i32* %x ; inlined, still known to be nonnull

For propagation of non-nullity to the argument, don't you need value
propagation or backward all dataflow analysis?

You need CDEQ, and need to check that the instruction and the call site are
part of the same CDEQ set. This means they have the same set of control
With that, if the call site either dominates or post-dominates the def,
you are fine, since you are guaranteed it either must execute the callsite
first (if the callsite dominates it), or all paths to exit go through the
callsite anyway (and thus, it must be non-null)