ASTMatcher unexpected result

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use AST Matchers in clang-query to find single-depth for-loops,
i.e. for-loops that are neither contained in any other for-loop nor contain for-loops themselves.

forStmt( unless(hasAncestor(forStmt())), unless(hasDescendant(forStmt())) )

In the following code, I want it to match only the loop in foo1, but unfortunately it also matches the loop in foo2.

void foo1(){ int n = 10; for(int i1=0; i1<n; i1++){ // dosomething(); } } void foo2(){ int n = 10; for(int i21=0; i21<n; i21++){ for(int i22=0; i22<n; i22++){ // dosomething(); } } }

Match #1:
~/cq.cpp:4:5: note: “root” binds here
for(int i1=0; i1<n; i1++){

Match #2:
~/cq.cpp:11:5: note: “root” binds here
for(int i21=0; i21<n; i21++){
2 matches.

When I interchange “hasAncestor” and “hasDescendant” in the matcher, the second match changes:

Match #1:
~/cq.cpp:4:5: note: “root” binds here
for(int i1=0; i1<n; i1++){

Match #2:
~/cq.cpp:11:5: note: “root” binds here
for(int i22=0; i21<n; i22++){
2 matches.

To me, it doesn’t make sense why the result changes (implicit allOf() matcher’s argument order shouldn’t matter), but I don’t understand why the matcher returns a loop from foo2 in the first place.

Best regards,
Siegfried Hartogs

Hi Siegfried,

I believe this bug was fixed in ⚙ D80025 [ASTMatcher] Correct memoization bug ignoring direction (descendants or ancestors). A
quick check against trunk clang-query shows correct behaviour no matter
which order the submatchers appear.

match forStmt(unless(hasAncestor(forStmt())),


Match #1:

<source>:3:3: note: "root" binds here

for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) { // dosomething();


1 match.

match forStmt(unless(hasDescendant(forStmt())),


Match #1:

<source>:3:3: note: "root" binds here

for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) { // dosomething();


1 match.

Can you please check against trunk(or latest release
candidate(currently RC5) on your end. The patch was landed before the
11 branch was created so it should be good there.


Hi Nathan, thanks for your swift answer.

the binary works nicely on 11.0.0-rc5 on Apple.

Best, Siegfried