[Bug 20298] New: LLDB should have a crash handler to assist in reproducing crashes

Bug ID 20298
Summary LLDB should have a crash handler to assist in reproducing crashes
Product lldb
Version unspecified
Hardware PC
OS Windows NT
Status NEW
Severity enhancement
Priority P
Component All Bugs
Assignee lldb-dev@cs.uiuc.edu
Reporter rnk@google.com
CC chandlerc@gmail.com
Classification Unclassified

This is a relatively big feature request that I don't think will happen soon,
but it's a cool idea some I'm writing it down.

Taking inspiration from Clang, LLDB should have a crash handler that makes it
easy for users to file bug reports with reproductions.  The way this works in
Clang is that the driver process notices when the -cc1 process crashes and
automatically re-launches the -cc1 in pre-process only mode with
-frewrite-includes.  In LLDB, this might take the form of:

1. Recording all of the object files that were scanned for symbol information.
2. Recording all the commands the user wrote.
3. Make a tarball of all the files.
4. Make a shell script to unpack the tarball and launch LLDB on the user's

I feel like there are some performance issues that would need to be worked out,
but it's an interesting idea.  For example, we should probably only do this if
the object files are small enough to reasonably package up.