Bug in LEA16r (X86InstrArithmetic.td) ??


in X86InstrArithmetic.td, we have LEA16r defined as:

def LEA16r : I<0x8D, MRMSrcMem,
(outs GR16:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
“lea{w}\t{$src|$dst}, {$dst|$src}”, , IIC_LEA_16>, OpSize16;

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think “ins i32mem” should be “ins i16mem” because this is about 16bit register?

So is this a bug?


Hi Jun,

def LEA16r : I<0x8D, MRMSrcMem,
                 (outs GR16:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
                 "lea{w}\t{$src|$dst}, {$dst|$src}", , IIC_LEA_16>,

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think "ins i32mem" should be "ins
i16mem" because this is about 16bit register?

I think there's something going on here, but it's probably more
complicated than that. The lea instruction just calculates an address,
so the resulting pointer doesn't really *have* a size.

Binutils seems to handle this reasonably by omitting the "dword
ptr"/"word ptr" part entirely when printing: "lea ax, [eax]" instead
of "mov ax, word ptr [eax]". The assembler accepts all variants, which
may or may not be a good choice.



yes, i think this is a good idea. but then how can i modify LEA16r above to
eliminate "dword ptr" part?


Hi Jun,

yes, i think this is a good idea. but then how can i modify LEA16r above to
eliminate "dword ptr" part?

I can't see an existing X86MemOperand with this property, so you'll
probably have to create a new one near the top of X86InstrInfo.td
(~line 332) and then use that. The PrintMethod should be reasonably
easy to implement.



Oh right, now I can see where to modify.

Is a patch for this part welcome?


Hi Jun,