C++ status page needs an update?

It’s depend on Bug 6840, which has no fixed yet…

The status on 6840 seems to be it is intentionally not implemented
because the spec doesn't make sense. In particular:


This bug only seemed to affect compiling Qt itself, not any headers
that you may use. Several months after Olivier's attempt, the Qt
people themselves have said that clang successfully completely
compiles Qt under Linux/OS X, including precompiled headers:


More recently someone has said they've regularly been bootstrapping Qt
with Clang for a while and have had good success (compiling even
WebKit, and running Flash.)

Perhaps 6840 should stay open, but Clang most certainly builds Qt
these days from the looks of it, so I'm inclined to agree the page
should be updated to reflect that.



Perhaps 6840 should stay open, but Clang most certainly builds Qt
these days from the looks of it, so I’m inclined to agree the page
should be updated to reflect that.

I thought the page would have been updated since this mail but it don’t seem to be.
Are there plans to udpate it after reaching a milestone?

The C++0x part of the page gets updated as soon as a new feature is “done”. The introductory material is a bit stale, and will be updated.

More precisely I just wanted to know if lambdas are availble in the current trunk (or maybe in a specific tag?) I’ve seen mails about an implementation but don’t know if it’s integrated.

Lambdas have not been implemented.

  • Doug