cfe-dev Digest, Vol 46, Issue 91


Thank you very much, it seems very interesting and I think it will greatly
help me. The current Clover code uses clang::CompilerInstance, and this class
has a clang::CompilerInstance::getSourceManager() function that can be used to
add a memory buffer as source like you did.

Denis Steckelmacher.


Thank you very much, it seems very interesting and I think it will greatly
help me. The current Clover code uses clang::CompilerInstance, and this class
has a clang::CompilerInstance::getSourceManager() function that can be used to
add a memory buffer as source like you did.

Denis Steckelmacher.

Here at Politecnico we are currently build directly a CompilerInstance
from the command line. This allows to add compiler options from the
OpenCL API or from the environment (EnvCompilerOpts, not standard, used
for debugging). I don't known if there are a better solution. However,
this is the code:

void Program::BuildCompilerInvocation(
  Device &Dev,
  llvm::StringRef UserOpts,
  clang::CompilerInvocation &Invocation) {

  std::istringstream ISS(EnvCompilerOpts + UserOpts.str());
  std::string Token;
  llvm::SmallVector<const char *, 16> Argv;

  while(ISS >> Token) {
    char *CurArg = new char[Token.size() + 1];

    std::strcpy(CurArg, Token.c_str());

                                   + Argv.size(),

  clang::PreprocessorOptions &PreprocOpts =
  PreprocOpts.addRemappedFile("", &*Src);
  PreprocOpts.RetainRemappedFileBuffers = true;


I think this code was originally from Peter Collingbourne, but I don't
rembember the exact location where I have see it.

Best regards,