The Clang compiler is part of the LLVM compiler infrastructure and supports various languages such as C, C++, ObjC and ObjC++. The design of LLVM and Clang enables them to be used as libraries, and has led to the creation of an entire compiler-assisted ecosystem of tools. The relatively friendly codebase of Clang and advancements in the JIT infrastructure in LLVM further enable research into different methods for processing C++ by blurring the boundary between compile time and runtime. Challenges include incremental compilation and fitting compile/link time optimizations into a more dynamic environment.
Incremental compilation pipelines process code chunk-by-chunk by building an ever-growing translation unit. Code is then lowered into the LLVM IR and subsequently run by the LLVM JIT. Such a pipeline allows creation of efficient interpreters. The interpreter enables interactive exploration and makes the C++ language more user friendly. The incremental compilation mode is used by the interactive C++ interpreter, Cling, initially developed to enable interactive high-energy physics analysis in a C++ environment.
Our group puts efforts to incorporate and possibly redesign parts of Cling in Clang mainline through a new tool, clang-repl. The project aims implementing tutorials demonstrating the capabilities of the project and investigating adoption of clang-repl in xeus-cling.
Expected results
There are several foreseen tasks:
- Write several tutorials demostrating the current capabilities of clang-repl.
- Investigate the requirements for adding clang-repl as a backend to xeus-cling.
- Implement the xeus kernel protocol for clang-repl.
- Prepare a blog post about clang-repl and possibly Jupyter.
- Present the work at the relevant meetings and conferences.
Desirable skills
Intermediate C++; Understanding of Clang and the Clang API in particular
Project type