[Contract work] Paid programming position on offer for experienced clang dev/user: help needed with clang based project

Hi guys,

I’m looking for an experienced clang developer/user to help me with a clang based project. I’d just like to post some details about the project and contact info so anyone interested can apply for the (paid) position.

Type of work: fairly casual contractual work for me, an individual; I’ll give you a list of tasks and you can give me an estimation of how long you think each task will take before you start working on it.

Payment: Hourly rate. You can tell me what you want to be paid by the hour and we’ll negotiate the rate from there.

Project: A self contained runtime C++ programming environment in library form which uses clang for compilation and reflection, basically a plug and play C++ hotloader aimed mainly at games development. You’ll be helping me finish the Windows version, which is roughly 70% complete already.

Duration: I would estimate a month to finish the Windows version feature complete. It’s up to you if you want to stick around after that to work on 64bit and Linux builds which will involve probably another month or two of work.

Requirements: A significant amount of experience at low level and high level programming. You should be comfortable with reading and understanding assembly code. Knowledge of git for source control. I’m using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows.

Comments: I was working on this for a video game I’m making. The goal was to have run time C++ programming without needing any external tools to make the game extremely moddable. But I bit off more than I can chew in terms of the low level and reverse engineering aspects of the project and I need help from a more experienced programmer.

If you are interested in this project please email me at Gadecki@iinet.net.au with the subject “CONTRACT WORK APPLICATION” with a brief resume and self description.

Thank you very much.