Debugging: viewing DIType

I’m in the process of updating debugir to llvm 15 with opaque pointers. Before I make changes I wanted to inspect/view certain variables so I know things still look sensible after I’ve made my changes. To do this I tried to use lldb:

(lldb) n
Process 89257 stopped
* thread #1, name = 'debugir', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
    frame #0: 0x000000000041f7dd debugir`(anonymous namespace)::DIUpdater::getOrCreateType(this=0x00007ffffffec930, T=0x0000000000cee0c8) const at DebugIR.cpp:473:12
   470                                    encoding);
   471      }
   472      TypeDescriptors[T] = N;
-> 473      return N;
   474    }
   476    /// Returns a DebugInfo type that represents a function signature for Func.
(lldb) fr v N
(llvm::DIType *) N = 0x0000000000d67448

Is there a way I can print a string/debug representation of the actual DIType that N points too?

I’m a rust programmer, so I may be missing obvious/known C++ conventions.

*N not N; N will print the pointer as a pointer, *N will print the value pointed to by the pointer.

Thank you very much @jrtc27 that works! I thought about that before but didn’t try it :sweat_smile: because I thought the debugger was not “smart” enough…