First Pass at building dragon egg-3.3 for clang 3.3 - using gcc-4.7

Many thanks for your comments.

The core issue we’re running into is this:

$ GCC=/usr/bin/gcc LLVM_CONFIG=/usr/bin/llvm-config make
Compiling utils/TargetInfo.cpp
Linking TargetInfo
ld: fatal: library -lLLVMSupport: not found
ld: fatal: file processing errors. No output written to TargetInfo
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

All other gyrations are attempts to shoehorn LLVMSupport into the compile. I’ve been sourcing the Makefile and README for hints.

To your point on declaring the location of gcc: Oddly, though gcc (4.7) is available to the environment, the Makefile does not find it without explicit direction:

dragonegg-3.3.src$ make
make: cc: Command not found

Thanks in advance, Lou Picciano

(and apologies for the top posting; crappy email client)

LLVM Friends,

First time attempting a build of dragonegg, using our shiny new install of
clang-3.3. I’m clearly off to a terrifying start!

dragonegg-3.3.src$ CXX=/usr/bin/gcc
This says to compile using gcc
This says that the plugin will be used with /usr/bin/gcc when built.


These say to use clang headers. Not sure why you want to use clang headers when
compiling using gcc.

Compiling utils/TargetInfo.cpp
In file included from /usr/clang/3.3/include/llvm/Support/DataTypes.h:67:0,
from /usr/clang/3.3/include/llvm/Support/type_traits.h:20,
from /usr/clang/3.3/include/llvm/ADT/StringRef.h:13,
from /usr/clang/3.3/include/llvm/ADT/Twine.h:13,
from /usr/clang/3.3/include/llvm/ADT/Triple.h:13,
/usr/clang/3.3/lib/clang/3.3/include/stdint.h:32:54: error: missing binary
operator before token “(”
This seems to be saying that gcc doesn’t like the clang headers. I suggest you
don’t use them.
Anyway, not sure why you are trying to do this so complicated, doesn’t this
Other comments:
CXX is for providing a C++ compiler, so should be g++ not gcc
Since /usr/bin/gcc is in your path, probably you don’t need CXX to force this
compiler (or did you put clang in front of it in your path?; if so it still
shouldn’t be needed since clang can also compile dragonegg)
GCC=/usr/bin/gcc is probably not needed, since it is the default
Ciao, Duncan.


Many thanks for your comments.

The core issue we're running into is this:

    $ GCC=/usr/bin/gcc LLVM_CONFIG=/usr/bin/llvm-config make
    Compiling utils/TargetInfo.cpp
    Linking TargetInfo
    ld: fatal: library -lLLVMSupport: not found

llvm-config is supposed to say where the libraries are. Take a look at the
output of
   usr/bin/llvm-config --ldflags

On my system it outputs
  -L/usr/local/lib -lrt -ldl -lpthread -lz
and indeed libLLVMSupport is there
   $ ls /usr/local/lib/libLLVMSupport*

    ld: fatal: file processing errors. No output written to TargetInfo
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

All other gyrations are attempts to shoehorn LLVMSupport into the compile. I've
been sourcing the Makefile and README for hints.

To your point on declaring the location of gcc: Oddly, though gcc (4.7) is
available to the environment, the Makefile does not find it without explicit

    dragonegg-3.3.src$ make
    make: cc: Command not found

What O/S is this on? Most linux O/S's auto-define the CC variable to point to
the system C compiler. For example on my system
   $ echo $CC
It looks like on your system CC is defined to be equal to cc but there is no
such compiler. Sounds like a misconfigured system.

Best wishes, Duncan.