Flang Biweekly Sync - Notes from the March 18 and April 1 2020 calls

Flang team,

Here are the notes from the March 18th and April 1st 2020 Flang biweekly calls.

The Flang Technical Community call was held Monday, April 6th, 8:30 AM Pacific Time. We continued discussions about the status of the flang upload to the LLVM monorepo. The next call will be Monday, April 20th.

The next Flang biweekly call will be Wednesday, April 15th, 2020 at 8:30 AM Pacific Time.

Logistics information for these calls is at the end of this email.

Let me know if you have any topics you would like covered in the next call.

Thank you.

Gary Klimowicz


  • Continue discussing merging process and status
  • F18 development update
  • Flang development update


  • Flang Community Technical Biweekly Call

  • The last call was Monday, March 23rd: Status update on the process for uploading F18 to the LLVM monorepo.

  • The next technical call is scheduled for April 6th. We will want to close on actions and dates for upstreaming Flang to LLVM.

  • New Flang update

  • We continue to work through items regarding Flang’s readiness to be merged into the LLVM monorepo. This was the bulk of today’s discussion.

  • The upstreaming was not be ready for the March 23 target we had. We will discuss in the technical call remaining items and timing.

  • Pat McCormick and David Truby’s CMake change merged.

  • We are working through more feedback on changes from clang-format settings. Coming to consensus on this is very important.

  • Pre-merge task status can be found here: https://github.com/orgs/flang-compiler/projects/8.

  • We are planning to do the merge in early April.

  • See the detailed notes below for other Flang development updates.

  • Original Flang Dev news and updates

  • The parts of these call notes that change infrequently will refer to the Flang wiki for status. This will help us keep the Flang wiki up to date.

  • No update yet on the process for merging external contributions to Flang.

Where we can use your help

  • Topics for the biweekly calls and technical community calls.
  • Let us know if you have presentations or meetings relevant to the Flang community. We will publicize these in these notes.

**Details (**Updates below are in bold)