General questions

Hi there

I just have some general questions about the Clang project and its direction:

- What's your relationship to the LLVM project at present? You appear to use
llvm code, but only as general helper libraries (like STL and Boost) as far
as I can see. Certainly, your intermediate representations seem to be your
own, making Clang independent in theory, if not practice. There's no mention
of Clang on the LLVM website - instead they say they're using a modified GCC
(even though they're a BSD licensed project).

- There are lots of target applications for Clang including automated
refactoring, static analysis and as a compiler front end. What are your
priorities? There's lots going on in the lists - where is most of this work
leading? Is objective-C considered more important than C++, for example?

- Is the source in the "brose source" up-to-date or is it some way behind the
bleeding edge in subversion?

Thanks, John

Hi there

I just have some general questions about the Clang project and its direction:

- What's your relationship to the LLVM project at present? You appear to use
llvm code, but only as general helper libraries (like STL and Boost) as far
as I can see. Certainly, your intermediate representations seem to be your
own, making Clang independent in theory, if not practice. There's no mention
of Clang on the LLVM website - instead they say they're using a modified GCC
(even though they're a BSD licensed project).

See for goals (and our relationship with llvm). llvm-gcc is currently much more mature for day to day development (and it fully supports C++). As clang matures, the LLVM website will likely contain more direct references.

- There are lots of target applications for Clang including automated
refactoring, static analysis and as a compiler front end. What are your
priorities? There's lots going on in the lists - where is most of this work
leading? Is objective-C considered more important than C++, for example?

Static analysis, refactoring, and native code compilation are all under active development. Pushing on these application areas helps drive bug fixes/features in the "core" front-end.

Objective-C is a far simpler language to implement than C++. Getting clang to do a great job with C/ObjC is a useful stepping stone toward C++. At a high level, C, ObjC, and C++ are all very important to us. Unfortunately, implementing all of C++ is a huge job.

- Is the source in the "brose source" up-to-date or is it some way behind the
bleeding edge in subversion?

It's up-to-date.

Thanks, John

Thanks for your interest in clang!
