Help identifying lib for unresolved external symbol public: void __cdecl llvm::cfg::Update<class llvm::BasicBlock *>::dump(void)const

Hi - I’m trying to build some code on Windows, and struggling to resolve this link error. I assume there is an llvm lib I’m missing beyond what is in llvm-config --libs.

Anyone have an idea which .lib may have this?


BWCET-476fba.o : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl llvm::cfg::Update<class llvm::BasicBlock *>::dump(void)const " (?dump@?$Update@PEAVBasicBlock@llvm@@@cfg@llvm@@QEBAXXZ)

My mistake - it’s in the debug version of llvmcore.lib , not in the release version.