Help reviewing github-actions automation


Since Tom is on vacation for a while more, I would appreciate some help reviewing some automation I am adding. I have uploaded :gear: D133476 [automation] Add scripts to automate GitHub projects ( which is the scripts that should be called from github actions later. The problems I am trying to solve here are:

  • Sync llvm/llvm-project with llvm/llvm-project-release-prs when something is pushed to any of the repos. This will be hooked up in github actions to run whenever someone pushes to release/* in llvm/llvm-project or release-prs.
  • Automatically add issues to the project board when they are added to a milestone. This will be easy to hook up with github-actions by just watching new issues added to milestones. This is done with the script
  • Update status in project to Done when PR’s are merged. Also done with the

The scripts are in Python and Bash and use the GitHub GraphQL API - I have never used GraphQL before so I would appreciate some other eyes on it.
