How to build libc++, libunwind independent of (use compiler-rt builtins, atomics)?

I used the following commands:

cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
  -S ${LLVM_SRC} \
  -B llvm-build \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES="compiler-rt;libcxx;libcxxabi;libunwind" \

ninja -C llvm-build runtimes

But, and have a dependency on (as reported by ldd) and has a dependency on as well.

I was able to do this in LLVM 10 (not exactly the same cmake as above, but with all the changes that have gone in how runtimes are built, what I used to do will not work anymore, various errors that I will not go into; I had raised those issues in other threads and was asked to use the bootstrapping method above). How does one make a bootstrapping build of runtime that uses compiler-rt and not libgcc and libatomic from the GCC toolchain?

I have a related question. libc++ is compiled using a newly built clang. builtins are built when compiler-rt is listed in LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES. But some components of compiler-rt contain C++ files that require libc++. So how is this cycle handled in the build?

NOTE: I have also tried using a previously built clang 10 instead ${GCC_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/g++ as the host compiler but I get the same results. The newly built clang (stage 1) does not use compiler-rt to build the runtimes and I couldn’t figure out a way to force it.

NOTE: Using llvm release/14.x

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Any response? Is there a compile option that will avoid linking libgcc_s with libc++, etc.?

You should be able to set LIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER to link against libunwind and LIBCXX_USE_COMPILER_RT to link against compiler-rt.

libgcc or its aliases are drawn into the build of libc++ and libc++abi by one line in libunwind -
libunwind/src/AddressSpacce.hpp Line: 624

if (dladdr((void *)addr, &dyldInfo)) {

And as you said, the problem is difficult to solve because there is a cyclic dependency between compiler-rt and libcxx.

  • To build libcxx with compiler-rt (libclang_rt.builtins) you need compiler-rt to be already built.
  • Some parts of compiler-rt requires a standard C++ compiler.

There are many teams using compiler-rt instaed of libgcc that have produced different hacks to aviod this:

  • Google Android
  • Google Fuchsia
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Win32
  • Apple Darwin

Google Android’s internal flag _LIBUNWIND_USE_DLADDR is the simplest. It
avoids this call (temporarily reducing the functionality of libunwind)

Like you would argue that this is reasonable and generic requirement even in an <aarch>-<vendor>-linux-gnu environment. So, even though I am opposed to the creation of cmake flags, exposing this with a flag called something like:

  • LIBUNWIND_USE_RUNTIME=“none” (as opposed to “libgcc” or “compiler-rt”)

Would benefit us all. I (locally) patched AddressSpacce.hpp, adding


at the top to remove the dependency on libgcc (your immediate hurdle.)

Your next hurdle is to rebuild libcxx, libcxxabi, libunwind using your new compiler-rt (and the unpatched AddressSpacce.hpp code) to regain the lost functionality.
I can only give you a few pointers…

  • build libunwind using compiler-rt with LIBUNWIND_USE_COMPILER_RT=ON
  • build libcxxabi using compiler-rt with LIBCXXABI_USE_COMPILER_RT=ON
  • build libcxxabi using libunwind with DLIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER=ON
  • build libcxx using compiler-rt with LIBCXX_USE_COMPILER_RT=ON
  • build libcxx using libcxxabi with LIBCXX_CXX_ABI=ON

er… there is no LIBCXX_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER so

  • build libcxxabi using a static libunwind library with LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC_UNWINDER
  • build libcxx using a static libcxxabi library with LIBCXX_ENABLE_STATIC_ABI_LIBRARY unless you are not using a standard c++ abi

(these last two have been replaced in version 15 with ‘LIBCXX_CXX_ABI=libcxxabi’)

NOTE: this still leaves the possibility that libgcc code still lurks within the binaries…

The alternative to cutting down the functionality of libunwind that I am currently experimenting with is to cut down the functionality of compiler-rt so it does not need libcxx, then build it first. This requires a whole host of flags:


OK, onto libatomic!
In libcxx/cmake/config-ix.cmake line: 128 the code checks for the libatomic library even though we might be using compiler-rt.

check_library_exists(atomic __atomic_fetch_add_8 “” LIBCXX_HAS_ATOMIC_LIB)

Removing this line allows the build to complete without libatomic. I have not yet investigated any unintended consequences of this.

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Thank you for the detailed answer. It gives me some hints on how to proceed. I didn’t understand the following, though.

Why would dladdr require libgcc_s? Isn’t the definition for dladdr provided by

compiler-rt no longer builds atomic routines into builtins by default. See ⚙ D47606 [compiler-rt] [builtins] Don't build __atomic_load etc. by default..

I’ve done this recently, see my cmake cache files:

Specifically, libunwind:


You can build just compiler-rt builtins (and crt if needed) by using compiler-rt/lib/builtins (and compiler-rt/lib/crt respectively) as the CMake source directory. This is what the LLVM bootstrapping build does, see

If possible, I’d recommend using the bootstrapping build directly as the official recommended solution since it already automates all of these steps and is actively maintained.