How to enable debug logs in llvm-objdump

Hi, when I pass the -debug-only=<something like ‘x86-disassembler’> flag to llvm-objdump I get the following error message:

llvm-objdump: error: unknown argument ‘–debug-only=x86-disassembler’

Is there another way to enable these logs? I think this error started appearing after we switched command line parsing from llvm::cl to OptTable sometime last year.

@MaskRay @thakis

I created [llvm-objdump] Add -mllvm by MaskRay · Pull Request #75892 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub to add -mllvm, with which:

% llvm-objdump -d a.o -mllvm -debug > /dev/null
Args: llvm-objdump -debug