Idea about libstdc++ headers support

Hi all,

"Getting Started" suggests patching of source code in case "Clang cannot find your system libstdc++ headers".
Maybe it's reasonable to add optional configuration file with path to libstdc++ headers? (e.g., Intel compiler also
has configuration file for user settings)


"Getting Started" suggests patching of source code in case "Clang cannot find your system libstdc++ headers".
Maybe it's reasonable to add optional configuration file with path to libstdc++ headers? (e.g., Intel compiler also
has configuration file for user settings)

Yes if done properly. Look into for a proposal. Noone was
brave enough to start this project :slight_smile:

And some people find it much better to use:

.../llvm/configure --with-cxx-include-root=/usr/include/c++/4.2 --with-cxx-include-arch=x86_64-linux-gnu --with-cxx-include-32bit-dir=32 --with-cxx-include-64bit-dir=""

i.e. put the same information on the command line instead of patching a file. Besides, this also helps in the case where clang finds *several* libstdc++ headers and is too greedy to just pick one and stick to it.