Improvements to llvm-reduce

Description of the project: proposed to solve the following tasks during our time for summer of code.

  • Rename long variable/function names to shorter names.

  • Reduce struct type definition based on its uses.

  • Sink instructions down to use. This can be finer grained than the sink pass with fewer semantic restrictions

  • Adding stats to individual reduction passes or have some other mechanism for reporting stats.

  • Add a command line option that causes us to do the transformation part of the delta loop in a sub-process, so if a transformation crashes (this happens and it’s super annoying) it doesn’t take out the entire llvm-reduce.

  • Please suggest me other task related to llvm-reduce.

Potential Mentors : @vivekvpandya

  • also need llvm-reduce user or developer as mentor.

I would just like to add that most of the ideas are from Llvm-reduce: short/medium-term directions - #43 by vivekvpandya

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would you happy to mentor this project?
@arsenm @regehr

I would help out in a pinch but I have a pretty full load of advisees already, hopefully someone else will step up!

please find my proposal
any suggestion comments etc, are welcome.