libc++ failed to link against musl

I'm trying to build LLVM, Clang, LLD, compiler-rt, libc++, libc++abi and libunwind with musl-based toolchain.

The configuration is the following:


When linking there are a lot of undefined references to __cxa_allocate_exception, __cxa_begin_catch, __cxa_end_catch, __cxa_free_exception, __cxa_guard_abort, __cxa_guard_acquire, __cxa_guard_release, __cxa_pure_virtual, __cxa_rethrow, __cxa_throw, __gxx_personality_v0, _Unwind_Resume, vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info, vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info, vtable for __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info. The full output of the linking command is too long and is attached gzipped. The linking command is the following:

x86_64-linux-musl-g++ -fPIC -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Werror=date-time -std=c++11 -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -Wl,-z,defs -fPIC -nodefaultlibs -shared -Wl,-soname, -o lib/ projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/algorithm.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/any.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/bind.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/chrono.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/condition_variable.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/debug.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/exception.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/functional.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/future.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/hash.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/ios.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/iostream.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/locale.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/memory.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/mutex.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/new.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/optional.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/random.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/regex.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/shared_mutex.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/stdexcept.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/string.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/strstream.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/system_error.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/thread.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/typeinfo.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/utility.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/valarray.cpp.o projects/libcxx/lib/CMakeFiles/cxx_objects.dir/__/src/variant.cpp.o -lpthread -lc -lm -lrt

Please suggest how to fix these linking errors.


libcxxlinking.txt.gz (11.8 KB)

I'm trying to build LLVM, Clang, LLD, compiler-rt, libc++, libc++abi and libunwind with musl-based toolchain.

The configuration is the following:


When linking there are a lot of undefined references to __cxa_allocate_exception, __cxa_begin_catch, __cxa_end_catch, __cxa_free_exception, __cxa_guard_abort, __cxa_guard_acquire, __cxa_guard_release, __cxa_pure_virtual, __cxa_rethrow, __cxa_throw, __gxx_personality_v0, _Unwind_Resume, vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info, vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info, vtable for __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info. The full output of the linking command is too long and is attached gzipped. The linking command is the following:

Those symbols are from libc++abi, and it isn't on your link line.


Hi Jonathan,

Thank you very much. I have solved this problem by configuring with additional options:


I wonder why those paths were not detected automatically.


It depends on how you want to package libc++ whether you actually want to link to libc++abi. If you’re on a GNUish system, you almost certainly don’t, because you then won’t be able to combine libc++ and libstdc++ in the same binary. You want to add -lstdc++ to the link line (or, ideally, -lsupc++, if your distribution ships a separate

On FreeBSD, we don’t link libc++ to any ABI library. Instead, both and are linker scripts that instruct anything that tries to link libc++ to link{version} and{version}.


Hi David,

Neither is the case. The system that I want to build with this toolchain is Linux-based, but not GNUish. I would like to use musl instead of glibc and libc++ instead of libstdc++, only use binutils provided by LLVM. I think that in that case I will link libc++abi and libunwind to libc++ statically, so I will not have to add -lunwind and -lc++abi to my LDFLAGS. Is it okay to do that? There is an experimental LIBCXX_ENABLE_STATIC_ABI_LIBRARY option, I will try to enable it.

The host system that I'm compiling on is Alpine Linux (musl-based distro), if it matters.


Note that this is not 100% true, our static libc++.a contains objects from libcxxrt. But this was unavoidable, at least not if you didn't want to inconvenience users.


It probably makes sense for libc++abi or libcxxrt, but it makes less sense for libunwind because C libraries that need to interoperate with C++ will link with this (by default assuming provides the relevant symbols). If both do then you’re going to have conflicts, if or equivalent doesn’t then you’re going to have link failures in pure-C programs that use C/C++ compatible libraries.


As far as I can understand, all the functions of libgcc are provided by compiler-rt and libunwind, so it is possible to build a toolchain that will not have any parts of GCC at all. For now my toolchain can only produce statically liked binaries, I have some trouble with shared (, and it only works for C, the C++ test program segfaults.


As far as I can understand, all the functions of libgcc are provided by compiler-rt and libunwind, so it is possible to build a toolchain that will not have any parts of GCC at all.

Correct, though on FreeBSD we still install the libunwind / compiler-rt combination as, because then we don’t break existing binaries or compilers.

For now my toolchain can only produce statically liked binaries, I have some trouble with shared (32425 – Regression with Musl after adding support for outputting to /dev/null), and it only works for C, the C++ test program segfaults.

You might find it informative to look at how the FreeBSD toolchain works.
