libclang and handling of # directives

I'm using libclang to parse some Objective-C code which has been produced using
gcc -E, and so the input file has #line directives of the form

# 45 "/System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Headers/WebUIDelegate.h" 3

I can parse the file without any errors, but the source locations don't seem to
reflect the line directives. When parsing a simple file "somefile.c" with a
similar directive

# 123 "dummy.c" 2

static int func()
    return 0;

and iterating over the definitions, I get source location results like

Typedef, __builtin_va_list, NULL, 99, 15
FunctionNoProto, func, somefile.c, 3, 12

whereas I would have hoped that the func definition had a source location at the
appropriate line in "dummy.c". Using a #line directive makes no difference.

Is there any way one can get clang to take # line directives into account? None
of the CXTranslationUnit_XXX flags seem to be applicable here.


Vinay Sajip

I'm using libclang to parse some Objective-C code which has been produced using
gcc -E, and so the input file has #line directives of the form

# 45 "/System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Headers/WebUIDelegate.h" 3

I can parse the file without any errors, but the source locations don't seem to
reflect the line directives. When parsing a simple file "somefile.c" with a
similar directive

# 123 "dummy.c" 2

static int func()
   return 0;

and iterating over the definitions, I get source location results like

Typedef, __builtin_va_list, NULL, 99, 15
FunctionNoProto, func, somefile.c, 3, 12

whereas I would have hoped that the func definition had a source location at the
appropriate line in "dummy.c". Using a #line directive makes no difference.

Is there any way one can get clang to take # line directives into account? None
of the CXTranslationUnit_XXX flags seem to be applicable here.

There is not currently a way to expose that info from libclang. There should be a new function (like clang_getPresumedLocation) similar to clang_getExpansionLocation that will call SourceManager::getPresumedLoc internally.
Please file a bugzilla report so that we can track it.