Using OpenBSD clang v10.0.1 targeting aarch64-unknown-openbsd6.8 to compile
a simple SDL c program using the following clang command to do so:
clang -glldb -std=c99 -Wall -Werror$(pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2) example.c -o example
No errors or warnings compiling. I attempt to debug 'example' with lldb v10.0.1:
lldb example
Set my breakpoints:
(lldb) breakpoint set --name main
set the command to be performed at the breakpoint created:
(lldb) breakpoint command add 1.1
> bt
And then attempt to run:
(lldb) r
(lldb) Error - Failed to launch or debug process
I am not entirely sure what I am doing wrong here. Without setting any breakpoints I still
get the same error. Any help as to where to look to begin to troubleshoot this or any insight
into the problem would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you