LLVM 2.2 Release!

Hi All,

LLVM 2.2 is done! Download it here: Download LLVM releases or view the release notes: http://llvm.org/releases/2\.2/docs/ReleaseNotes\.html

LLVM 2.2 includes hundreds of bug fixes, many improvements to llvm-gcc 4.2 (which is now the recommended front-end), a new (beta) Cell SPU backend, and a large variety of optimizer and codegen changes that allow LLVM 2.2 to produce even better code than before. LLVM 2.2 has compiled many millions of lines of C, C++ and Objective C code, and the llvm-gcc 4.2 Ada and Fortran front-ends are even starting to work.

The LLVM 2.2 release notes contain a fairly complete discussion of the major improvements in this release, but two may be particularly interesting for a broader audience: First, this is the last release to support llvm-gcc 4.0. We recommend that you upgrade to 4.2 in LLVM 2.2+. Second, we now include a new tutorial aimed at language designers. Read it online here: LLVM Tutorial: Table of Contents — LLVM 16.0.0git documentation

In other news, we are in early planning stages for the 2008 LLVM Developer Meeting. The 2007 Developer Meeting ( The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project ) was an extremely valuable way for LLVM developers to meet each other and talk about their interests and priorities. At this point, we are tentatively planning the 2008 meeting for late summer (July or August) in the Cupertino, CA area. For more information, please contact the llvmdev mailing list.

This release is the result of hundreds of great contributions by many people, far too many to list here. I'm happy to say that LLVM has a strong and thriving community, consisting of dozens of people that are driving a whole new generation of open source compiler technology
forward. To all contributors: thank you!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the LLVMdev
mailing list (llvmdev at cs.uiuc.edu)!


Previous Announcement (LLVM 2.1):