LLVM and Visual Studio 2003


I have what I think is a simple question: Is it at all possible to build LLVM with Visual Studio 2003?

The “Getting Started with the LLVM System using Microsoft Visual Studio” document states that versions earlier than 2005 SP1 will not work because they do not support the C++ standard well enough.

Is it just some features of LLVM that require better C++ support and so building the whole suite requires Visual Studio 2005 SP1 or later? Or is it the case that the core functionality of LLVM requires C++ support that VS2003 does not provide and so Visual Studio 2003 can never be used to build LLVM?

Thank you so much for your help,


Hello Phillip,

If the number of broken versions of GCC listed at http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html#brokengcc is any indication, I'd say the likelihood of getting a less robust version of Visual Studio to compile LLVM is practically nil. You may have to either download GCC for Windows using the MSYS shell from http://mingw.org/ or upgrade to a newer Visual Studio. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


Try Visual Studio 2010 Express, its free :-




I have Visual Studio 2008 which builds LLVM just fine. The problem is that I need to build it using Visual Studio 2003. I am trying to figure out what it is about LLVM that makes VS2k3 inadequate and then determine if those parts can be removed so that VS2k3 can build a subset of LLVM, and hopefully the subset of LLVM that I need (which is the code generator).



Philip Ritchey <pritchey@microsemi-wl.com> writes:

I have Visual Studio 2008 which builds LLVM just fine. The problem is
that I need to build it using Visual Studio 2003. I am trying to
figure out what it is about LLVM that makes VS2k3 inadequate and then
determine if those parts can be removed so that VS2k3 can build a
subset of LLVM, and hopefully the subset of LLVM that I need (which is
the code generator).

AFAIR VS 2003 has several problems with C++ compliance that requires
workarounds all across the LLVM source code base. I'm not saying that
lots of changes are required, but that the problem is with C++
constructs not specific of a LLVM area.

Long time ago LLVM compiled with VS 2003 because a few people cared
about "fixing" the code after it was committed by the other
developers. Sometimes they commented on the general problems VS 2003
has. Search the mailing list for messages written by Jeff Cohen
mentioning "2003", and for commits authored by him.