LLVM Bay Area Monthly Meetup (Mon Feb 26 ‘24 6pm)

We’re planning the next LLVM Bay Area monthly meetup.

Date: Monday Feb 26 2024 6pm
Event Address: Don Giovanni’s 235 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041

There’s no need to RSVP for this event. There will still be a cash bar.

Please follow:

Attendees are required to adhere to the LLVM Community Code of Conduct . For any Code of Conduct reports, please contact the organizers, and also email conduct@llvm.org.


We’ll be outdoors, so consider bringing a jacket if you’re attending.

Big thanks to Google who will be providing the sponsorship for this event.


We’re still on for tonight, sitting indoors though since it is sprinkling on and off.

Now split between indoors and outdoors (filled the inside). I’ll work with the venue on booking less busy days; Mondays was their slow day!

Thanks to the 40! people that stopped by!

I’m so sorry that the space was slightly disorganized; that’s my fault. I was waffling on whether to sit indoors or outdoors due to the rain which was on and off throughout the day. I changed my mind 4 times which tripped up the venue. We ended up filling the back half of the side room, taking up all of the outdoor seating, then one additional table in the main area. I hope folks still had fun (and meaningful conversations about LLVM).

I spoke with the venue and they would still prefer for us to book Mondays. Next time, I’ll try to verify they won’t have the restaurant almost fully booked. I suspect if they need to schedule additional staff, they might prefer to have the floor maximally occupied.

Otherwise if folks are interested in helping book another venue, please let me know.

Stay tuned for next month’s instance!


Next instance: LLVM Bay Area Monthly Meetup (Mon Mar 18 ‘24 6pm)