LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm based on LLVM 17 release is available

Dear LLVM Community,

I am happy to announce that the binary release of LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm based on LLVM 17.0.1 is available Release release-17.0.1 · ARM-software/LLVM-embedded-toolchain-for-Arm · GitHub

The README provides an overview of the scope and features of the toolchain, while the CHANGELOG lists some of the key improvements, among which are:

  • Support for multilib: Automatic selection of the best library variant for the specified build target.
  • Improvements in upstream LLD: CMSE and Big-endian support.
  • Running LLVM and picolibc regression tests.

A short guide is provided on how to enable LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm in exiting projects using Arm GNU Toolchain.

Give it a try and report back any issues or enhancements as Issues · ARM-software/LLVM-embedded-toolchain-for-Arm · GitHub, or contribute in other ways!

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