LLVM Embedded Toolchains Working Group call this Thursday, Feb 1st

Dear all,

This is a kind reminder about the upcoming LLVM Embedded Toolchains Working Group sync up call this week.

Draft agenda:

  1. Any code reviews to highlight.
  2. Semihosting in LLVM libc.
  3. LLVM libc hardening modes, related: latest memory safety discussions and possible mitigations in C and C++, especially for embedded devices where there are no many alternative languages.
  4. ASAN for embedded devices further direction.
  5. ROM patching.
  6. elf2bin New tool 'llvm-elf2bin'. (NOT READY FOR REVIEW – NO TESTS) by statham-arm · Pull Request #73625 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub further direction.
  7. Any other updates on the LLVM Dev meeting workshop topics: LLD, linker scripts and LTO, code coverage and profiling, …
  8. Save the date for EuroLLVM 2024 in Vienna, Austria in April - who is going?

Please suggestion additional topics below. Dial in details and meeting minutes are maintained under LLVM Embedded Toolchains Working Group sync up.

I’m hoping to make it but may be a few minutes late. I’ve started prototyping a new “noxip” attribute that hopes to make LTO for embedded “safer” for systems with execute-in-place (xip) memory. The attribute will 1) be maintained through inlining 2) propagate to all resources needed by the functions and 3) end up in a new .noxip.text input section for placement in a non-xip output section. My working branch is here: GitHub - tannewt/llvm-project at noxip (Only parsing and attaching to llvm ir is working so far but I have the workflow going.)

I’d love feedback on the approach and guidance on how to make it upstreamable.

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