LLVM Google Summer Code project


I'm sorry if this post sounds a little bit off-topic, I'm currently a
graduate student from Texas A&M University, and my major is computer
science. My research interests are in compiler construction and static
analysis. I heard Google Summer Code before, and I would like to
attend this cool program this year, because my interests, I really
would like broad my knowledge and experience in LLVM compiler, and
thus want to submit an application to this project.

Therefore, I go ahead to read the link about LLVM google summer code
project (or maybe just LLVM open project). From my reading, the
project on extending LLVM intermediate representation looks very
interesting to me, and from my own experience when I was building a
small static analysis tools in the past year for a symbolic
computation system, a good program representation really could helps
me a lot for building analysis.

I'm sorry maybe I'm not a little bit late for applying to this project
for google summer code because today is the deadline, but I would like
to have a try. Here may I ask is it still possible to submit something
like proposal to the project provided by LLVM, and also I seems
couldn't find how to submit the proposal from the website.

Thank you very much for your help,
