Llvm-xray result can't show function code line and its filename

I use CC=clang-12 CFLAGS="-fxray-instrument -fxray-instruction-threshold=1" LDFLAGS="-fxray-instrument -fxray-instruction-threshold=1" ./configure --enable-shared=no complier libpng and make

then use XRAY_OPTIONS="patch_premain=true xray_mode=xray-basic verbosity=1" ./pngimage pngnow.png create log, and use llvm-xray-12 account xray-log.pngimage.UorqF6 --instr_map=./pngimage show the result,but function code line and its filename is invalid, how to solve it:(?

Functions with latencies: 96
   funcid      count [      min,       med,       90p,       99p,       max]       sum  function    
        1          1 [ 0.011356,  0.011356,  0.011356,  0.011356,  0.011356]  0.011356  <invalid>:0:0: main
        4          1 [ 0.011250,  0.011250,  0.011250,  0.011250,  0.011250]  0.011250  <invalid>:0:0: do_test
        5          1 [ 0.000090,  0.000090,  0.000090,  0.000090,  0.000090]  0.000090  <invalid>:0:0: display_clean
        8          1 [ 0.011249,  0.011249,  0.011249,  0.011249,  0.011249]  0.011249  <invalid>:0:0: test_one_file

Try add debug info in CFLAGS:
CFLAGS="-fxray-instrument -fxray-instruction-threshold=1 -g"

it works, thanks so much :slight_smile: