Looking To Work Under A Team, As An Open Source Dev

Hi everyone.

My name is Saif (I go by Rubix982, Rubix982 (Saif Ul Islam) · GitHub, on the internet) and I have previously been an Open Source developer, but stopped a year ago due to personal health reasons.

I wish to start again seriously over the next few months in 2023, and my target is to contribute well to LLVM by 2024. I would like to work under a team of other OSS developers on this platform, as my capabilities are best when working in a team, and it is a huge motivator for me to be able to stick to one thing really well.

I have seen the pinned topics already, such as “Beginner Resources + Documentation,” but I would like to practice my knowledge by contributing back to LLVM in a certain direction, perhaps a project that LLVM is seeking OSS developers for, so that I know that if I start this journey, I would eventually end up working with and finding like-minded folk.

How can I utilize this curated community for this purpose? I would be extremely grateful for anyone taking the time to suggest a path.

Thank you very much for your time!