msys/mingw32 llvm-gcc build errors

I successfully built llvm using msys/mingw, but I am getting the following error when I try to build llvm-gcc using

$ …/llvm-gcc4.2-2.6.source/configure --prefix=/c/Temp/msys-llvm-gcc --program-

prefix=llvm- --enable-llvm=/c/Temp/msys-llvm --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable



Hello, Charles

I successfully built llvm using msys/mingw, but I am getting the following
error when I try to build llvm-gcc using

1. Why do you need build llvm-gcc by yourself? This is not pretty
trivial process on mingw. We're providing pre-built binaries.
2. As for error - try to disable threads during llvm/llvm-gcc builds.

I successfully built llvm using msys/mingw, but I am getting the following
error when I try to build llvm-gcc using


Assertion failed: errorcode == 0, file

MinGW pthreads miss some features that LLVM uses, and thus cannot be
used. To fix, remove the pthreads-w32-2.8.0-mingw32-dll package from
your MinGW installation. E.g. these files:


Then reconfigure and recompile everything from scratch.