Need help fixing 2.7 release blockers


There has been a huge lack of response to the release. We need people to help fix regressions and to participate in testing the release. Without this support, I see no reason that the release team should spend their time qualifying a release.

We need to get all regressions fixed before 2.7 can continue onto pre-release2.

Please take a look at all release blockers:

If you can help fix any of these bugs, we would really appreciate it. I'd advise using the release branch directly instead of the tarballs since several fixes have gone in. There are 2 patches I have left to merge once I resolve the conflicts.


P.S. Thanks to the few that have tested the release. I appreciate your help!

5893 is not release-critical according to Doug.

6640 appears to be a test system problem with a patch available (one of the
ones you're working on?)

Which bugs do you have patches for? I don't want to start looking at
something if it's already being fixed.


Please take a look at all release blockers:

5893 is not release-critical according to Doug.

Will take care of this.

6640 appears to be a test system problem with a patch available (one of the
ones you’re working on?)

Which bugs do you have patches for? I don’t want to start looking at
something if it’s already being fixed.

: | 6616 6654 6663 6696 6725 6744 |

  • | - |

6663 is waiting on a patch that can apply to the branch. The rest are open.


And I can't pull the 27 branch:

% svn info .
Path: .
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Revision: 99954
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: dpatel
Last Changed Rev: 99943
Last Changed Date: 2010-03-30 17:20:25 -0500 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)

% svn update release_27
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/llvm-project/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: REPORT of '/svn/llvm-project/!svn/vcc/default': 403 Forbidden

I tried update -N release_27 (which worked), then cd release_27 && svn update
but no luck. I apparently have no svn-fu. What's the magic incantation?


try just 'svn co

You aren't allowed to check out all the branches, so thats probably why it gave you the 403.



6654 - I don't have x86-32. Are the tests only failing on that target?
6696 - Looks like a few people are hashing out the solution.
6725 - I don't want to touch clang yet. :slight_smile:
6744 - I don't have Darwin.

So that leaves 6616. I won't have any time tonight but possibly tomorrow
night I can blast through some warnings.


David Greene <> writes:

And I can't pull the 27 branch:

svn co
svn up release_27

worked fine for me.


Curious. When I do that in my existing directory I still get the 403, but a
release_27 directory is created and if I cd release_27 && svn update, it

Odd beast, this subversion.


We are still looking for people to help with these release blockers. So please fix what you can :slight_smile:

The release is delayed until we get these fixed.
