ORC JIT Weekly #13 -- MCJIT / ORC PDB Debugging

Hi All,

No update on the removable code feature: Unfortunately I didn’t have much time to work on it this week.

There is some cool news for Windows MCJIT/ORC developers though: @Juicebox joined the #jit channel on the LLVM discord server to share a project that he is working on to enable PDB debugging of JIT’d code. It works by providing a custom RuntimeDyld::MemoryManager that emits a pair of DLL and PDB files which can be automatically detected by compliant PDB debuggers. Check it out at:


From @Juicebox’s message on #jit: “I hope you’ll like it, don’t hesitate to come to me with feedbacks or advise on how I might improve it!”.

If you’re interested in discussing this or other ORC / MCJIT topics in the chat channel come and join us in #jit at https://discord.gg/xS7Z362.

– Lang.